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Topics for discussion

    1. To buy a house isn’t easy in this country.

    2. My parents and me are very hospitable hosts.

    3. Imagine that you have a house to let. What can you suggest to your tenants?

    4. The living standard. What is it? The living standard of my family.

    5. You are a real estate agent. What houses can you suggest to your clients.

    6. The house of my dream.



  1. Phonetic training

1. Listen to the rhyme and repeat it after the speaker:

Why do you cry Willy? When the wind is in the East

Why do you cry? Tis neither good for man nor beast,

Why Willy, why Willy, When the wind is in the North

Why Willy why? The skillful fisher goes not forth,

Whenever we meet you When the wind is in the South

There’s a tear on your eye, It blows the bait in the fish’s mouth

Why Willy, why Willy, When the wind is in the West

Why Willy, why? Then tis at the very best.

2. Learn the tongue-twisters:

A big black bug Swan swam over the sea,

Beat a big black bear, Swim, swan, swim!

A big black bear Swan swam back again,

Beat a big black bug. Well swum, swan!

3. Listen to the song, learn it and sing.

A Ring, A Ring, O’roses

A ring, a ring o’roses

A pocket full of poses.

Jump down, jump down!

All fall down.

The king has sent his daughter

To fetch a pail of water

Jump down, jump down!

All fall down.

The robin’ on the steeple

Is singing to the people

Jump down, jump down!

All fall down.

The wedding bells are ringing,

The boys and girls are singing.

Jump down, jump down!

All fall down.

  1. Grammar Revision

Past Tenses

Прошедшее время в английском языке образуется прибавлением окончания -ed к основе глагола (у правильных глаголов) или употребляется вторая форма неправильных глаголов (см. таблицу неправильных глаголов).

E.g. clean – cleaned

watch – watched

want – wanted

Note: Обратите внимание на чтение окончания -ed:

[t] – после глухих согласных (stop – stopped [stopt]

[d] – после звонких согласных и гласных (disturb – disturbed [dis'tə׃bd],play – played [pleid])

[id] – после t и d (want – wanted [wontid]

decide – decided [di'saidid]).

Прошедшее время обозначает действия, относящиеся полностью к сфере прошлого и не имеющих связи с настоящим.

Past Simple – прошлые факты или последовательность действий в прошлом.

E.g. The Second World War started on the 1st of September 1939.

Past Continuous – действия в развитии в какой-то момент в прошлом, который может быть обозначен наречием, наречным сочетанием или именной фразой, а также другим действием.

E.g. I looked out of the window and saw that smb was going along the path towards the house.

Past Perfect – действия, предшествующие другому прошедшему действию. E.g. When I arrived at the station, my train had already left.

Past Perfect Continuous – это действие продолжалось в течение какого-то периода времени в прошлом.

E.g. We had been talking for 3 hours before she offered me tea.

Note 1 USED TO

Выражение "'used to" относится исключительно к сфере прошлого и обозначает какое-либо действие, которое регулярно повторялось или постоянно производилось в прошлом, в настоящее время это действие не имеет места.

E.g. I used to play tennis when I was a child. Now I don't enjoy it.

He used to live next door to us. (How we are not neighbours).

Note 2

Mind the expressions where the Past Perfect and Past Simple are used. Try to memorize them.

E.g. No sooner had I entered the room than smb rushed at me.

Hardly had I uttered a word when Mr.Zomby exclaimed "I know that!"

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