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Training exercises

Ex.1. Say whether the verb “to have” is notional, auxiliary or modal. Translate the sentences into Russian.

      1. Have you got an umbrella?

      2. Can I have a newspaper? – Yes, I have finished with it.

      3. I’m looking for Paula. Have you seen her?

      4. In many countries men have to do military service.

      5. Does Jill have to work on Sundays?

      6. They don’t read much. They don’t have many books.

      7. It’s a nice house but it hasn’t got a garden.

      8. The shirts have been ironed.

      9. They aren’t rich. They haven’t got much money.

      10. I have been looking for my key everywhere but I can’t find it.

      11. Why did they have to leave the party so early?

      12. Sue is having a party tonight. She has invited a lot of people.

Ex.2. Put the correct form of the verb “to have” (positive or negative). Say whether the verb is notional, auxiliary or modal. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. They ______________ any children. They are unhappy about it.

  2. I ________________ lost my passport. I can’t find it anywhere.

  3. The bridge is closed at the moment. It _______________ been damaged recently and it _______________ been repaired yet.

  4. It’s late. I ______________________ to go now. I’ll see you tomorrow.

  5. Many houses ________________ been knocked down recently in our district.

  6. I know this woman but I ___________________ forgotten her name.

  7. “What’s wrong?” – “I ___________________ something in my eye.”

  8. They like animals. They _________________ three dogs and two cats.

  9. I ______________________ bought some new shoes. Do you want to see them?

  10. Where are the chocolates? ________________________ you eaten them all?

  11. You can’t park your car here for nothing. You ________________ to pay.

  12. ___________ you ______________ any brothers or sisters?

Ex.3. Translate the sentences into English using the correct form of the verb “to have”.

  1. Я плохо себя чувствую. У меня болит голова.

  2. Мне приходиться проходить пешком (to travel) 10 миль в день.

  3. Яну (Ian) не приходиться много работать. У него легкая работа.

  4. Как долго ты уже пользуешься компьютером?

  5. Я жду уже очень долго.

  6. У меня есть фотоаппарат. Я могу вас сфотографировать.

  7. Ты плохо выглядишь. У тебя болит голова?

  8. Он наконец-то почистил свои ботинки.

  9. Мне завтра придется работать дольше. У нас срочный заказ.

  10. Ее не будет на работе. Ей нужно пойти к врачу.

English Noun

A noun is a part of speech which denotes an object (a thing or a living being). It can be countable or uncountable.

Countable nouns are things we can count. We can say “one apple”, “two apples”, etc. A countable noun can be singular (an apple) or plural (apples), You cannot use singular countable nouns alone (without the articles a/an, the or the pronouns my, his, some, etc.)

E.g. I want a banana.

There’s been an accident on the road.

You can use my computer.

Plural countable nouns can be used alone or with “the”, “some”, “any”, “many”, “few”.

E.g. I like bananas.

Accidents can be prevented.

We sang some songs at the party.

There were few people in the room.

Uncountable nouns denote the things we cannot count. They have only one form: sand, rice, water.

E.g. I eat rice every day.

There is no electricity in this village.

You can use uncountable nouns alone or with “the”, “my”, “some”, “any”, “much”, “little”, etc.

E.g. Can you hear music?

Did you buy any juice?

I have little work now.

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