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4. Определением

В этой функции герундий всегда стоит с предлогом и может употребляться после таких абстрактных существительных, как: idea (of)мысль; chance (of)возможность, шанс; importance (of)важность, значение; hope (of)надежда; way (of)способ; experience (in)опыт; interest (in)интерес; reason (for)причина, основание и др.

One of the benefits of buying this system is that it has detailed documentation.

Одно из преимуществ покупки этой системы в том, что она имеет подробную документацию.

What’s the use of doing it?

Какой смысл это делать?

5. Обстоятельством

В этой функции герундий всегда употребляется с предлогами:

on (upon) – по, после, при; beforeперед; afterпосле; inпри, во время, в процессе; instead ofвместо; in spite ofнесмотря на; byпутем, при помощи; besides кроме; withoutбез; for the purpose of (with the aim of) – с целью; throughблагодаря, из-за; due toблагодаря, вследствие, в результате, из-за и др.

Too many people die from lung cancer due to smoking.

Слишком много людей умирает от рака легких из-за курения.

Иногда герундий с предшествующими предлогами in, on (upon) и by удобно переводить деепричастием. В этих случаях предлог при переводе опускается.

In preparing for the seminar I read a lot of articles.

Готовясь к семинару, я прочитал много статей.

On receiving the telegram he left for home.

Получив (после того, как он получил) телеграмму, он выехал домой.

I can prove it by citing several figures.

Я могу доказать это, приведя несколько цифр.

By using our software you will solve a lot of different problems.

Используя наши программы, вы решите массу задач.

Герундий с предлогом without часто переводится отрицательной формой деепричастия.

He left the room without saying a word.

Он вышел из комнаты, не сказав ни слова.

В русском языке такая форма, как герундий, отсутствует, поэтому герундий переводится на русский язык различными способами:

Способ перевода



1) именем


The house needs repairing.

Дом требует ремонта.

2) неопределенной формой глагола

I like making people happy.

Мне нравится делать людей счастливыми.

3) деепричастием

He went away without leaving his address.

Он уехал, не оставив своего адреса.

4) придаточным предложением

Instead of writing the letter himself, he asked his friend to do it.

Вместо того чтобы написать письмо самому, он попросил своего друга сделать это.

Задание 1. Образуйте различные формы герундия от следующих глаголов.

1) Simple Passive: to do – being done

to identify, to accomplish, to ban, to see, to deceive, to address, to charge, to drag.

2) Perfect Active: to do – having done

to fail, to make, to install, to settle, to move, to overlook, to discuss, to swap, to win, to tell, to pass.

3) Perfect Passive: to do – having been done

to speak, to give, to discuss, to sign, to tell, to write, to open, to study, to show.

Задание 2. Употребите герундий в функции подлежащего, изменив предложения по образцу. Предложения переведите.

Образец: An important function of the operating system is to manage the computer's resources. → Managing the computer's resources is an important function of the operating system.

  1. One task of the supervisor program is to load into memory non­resident programs as required.

  2. The role of the operating system is to communicate directly with the hardware.

  3. One of the key functions of the operating system is to establish a user interface.

  4. An additional role is to provide services for applications software.

  5. Part of the work of mainframe operating systems is to support multiple programs and users.

  6. The task in most cases is to facilitate interaction between a single user and a PC.

  7. One of the most important functions of a computer is to process large amounts of data quickly.

  8. The main reason for installing more memory is to allow the computer to process data faster.

Задание 3. Употребите герундий в форме страдательного залога и переведите предложения.

Образец: I like visiting my friends. → I like being visited by my friends. Мне нравится навещать своих друзей. → Мне нравится, когда меня навещают мои друзья.

  1. He always prefers telling the truth.

  2. I don’t mind criticizing when it is fair.

  3. I avoid visiting strangers.

  4. I’m tired of asking questions.

  5. I’m looking forward to showing them the place.

  6. I object to forcing him to do it.

  7. She doesn’t like messaging.

  8. Why are you afraid of asking questions?

  9. I remember asking him for help.

Задание 4. Постройте предложения по образцу и переведите.

1. It’s no use waiting any longer.

(to hurry now; to shout to him, he is quite deaf; to invite him, he won’t come; to ring him up now, he is not at home; to demand compensation; to oppose our boss)

2. He insisted on coming with me to the chief programmer.

(to pay for the dinner; to take a taxi; to return home at once; to start early)

3. I am looking forward to seeing you.

(I/to hear from you; he/to visit this place; we/to spend a week at the seaside; I/to meet your brother; he/to start university; I/to get a good job; I/to earn more money)

4. I can’t (couldn’t) help worrying about my family.

(to tell him the truth, he is my friend; to laugh at his jokes; to buy the bag, it was so cheap; to be angry, his behaviour was so awful; to respect her, she’s so clever)

5. The book is (not) worth reading.

(the fact – to mention; the question – to discuss; the film – to see; the proposal – to consider; the company – to invest; the product – to advertise; the country – to visit)

6. I don’t mind telling them how to do it.

(to turn on the TV set; to switch off the light; to turn up the volume; to tell them about the plan; to help him; to phone a security specialist; to talk to him)

Задание 5. Постройте предложения, используя следующие выражения. Переведите полученные предложения.

A) be sure of, be fond of, be interested in, be engaged in, be proud of.

B) rely on, prevent from, succeed in, result in.

A)… meeting his friends at the conference.

… setting his business.

… working day and night at the project.

… surfing through the Net.

… having found the solution for the problem.

B) … our going on with the work.

… working out a new televised course.

… using the Web as a tool for exchanging scientific information.

… his having done everything well.

… making a wrong decision.

Задание 6. Определите форму и функцию герундия и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Controlling physical access to hardware and software is the most important method of data protecting. 2. Perhaps the most recent crime of all is hacking into computers to access information that helps competitors in industry. 3. The added modularity makes it easier to modify or replace one tier without affecting the other tiers. 4. The hacker was accused of having secretly used other people's private information.5. Some psychologists feel that football hooligans enjoy fighting and rioting. 6. The aim of multicasting is to be able to send data from a sender to the members of a group in an efficient manner. 7. He tried to avoid answering my questions. 8. She had the feeling of being deceived. 9. Other relevant applications that can help in improving users’ confidentiality in using the information and services are available in the Web. 10. The police suspected the phreaker of having been prosecuted before. 11. This can be obtained by supporting multiple domain-dependent metadata vocabularies, focusing on a specific usage of Web resources. 12. Making the Internet more observable may be the first step in the direction of having a more efficient monitoring of the network. 13. The police suspected the man of being a hacker. 14. Registered trademarks (often marked with the symbol ®) must meet a series of criteria before being registered. 15. Search engines are not suitable for this purpose since they cannot ensure users of having correctly rated a resource. 16. I was ashamed of having lied to her. 17. They have watched their work being routinized, being parceled out into the well-defined modules that make up the tasks of the structured programming team. 18. He insisted on having seen the network support person recently. 19. We started calculating without knowing the main intrinsic parameters. 20. The old companies were afraid of being removed from the market by the recently appeared companies.

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