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career – карьера, профессия

satisfaction – удовлетворение, удовольствие

entrepreneur – бизнесмен, предприниматель

to run a business – руководить, управлять делом, вести дело

to market – продавать, сбывать

to meet the goals – обеспечивать требуемые показатели

to be in charge of – быть ответственным за, отвечать за; руководить чем-л.

to develop – 1) развивать

2) разрабатывать, конструировать, создавать

objective – задача, цель

to figure out – решать, разрешать (проблему); вычислять, выяснять; понимать, постигать

through – через, посредством

to succeed – достигать цели, преуспевать; иметь успех

definition – определение

emphasis – выразительность, сила, ударение

to put / place emphasis on smth. — придавать особое значение чему-л., уделять большое внимание чему-л., делать акцент на чём-л.

to point out – указывать; обращать (чьё-л.) внимание; отмечать, подчёркивать

science – наука

vocational field – сфера (область) профессиональной деятельности

staffing - кадровое обеспечение, укомплектование персоналом, подбор (и расстановка) кадров

1. Write the transcription of the words and train their pronunciation.

exciting rewarding career satisfaction

entrepreneur firm produce objective

department through equipment resource

succeed chaos society emphasis

result accomplishment science figure out

2. Form derivatives of the following words and translate them into Russian. Memorize the words and use one from each group in a sentence of your own.

Example: to organize (организовывать, планировать) → organizer (организатор) → organization (организация) → organizing (организация, планирование) → organizational (организационный)

to produce, to plan, to control, to accomplish, to succeed, to supervise, to direct, to satisfy, to develop, to motivate.

3. Find in the text sentences containing modal verbs or their equivalents, translate the sentences into Russian.

4. In the following sentences determine the tense and voice form of the predicate. Make up a general and a special question to each sentence.

  1. You have created your own comic book and want to start a comic book company.

  2. Because of the complexity of your business, you will need employees to help.

  3. Today people are considered the most important resource in companies.

  4. If employees perform effectively, companies will succeed.

  5. The accomplishment of the members’ personal objectives should be integrated with the accomplishment of the organizational objectives.

5. Match the phrases from column A with their Russian equivalents in column B. Make up sentences.


  1. run a business a. управляющий

  2. vocational field b. функции планирования

  3. personal objectives c. цели организации

  4. organizational objectives d. сфера профессиональной

  5. manager деятельности

  6. functions of planning e. успех

  7. success f. вести дело, управлять


g. личные цели

6. Match the words from the box with their definitions.

business, to plan, company, manager, to lead, career, status,

to control, entrepreneur, management, to organize

  1. the technique, practice, or science of managing, controlling or dealing with smb., smth.;

  2. the members of the executive or administration of an organization or business;

  3. a social or professional position, condition, or standing to which varying degrees of responsibility, privilege, and esteem are attached;

  4. a profession or occupation chosen as one’s life’s work;

  5. the owner or manager of a business enterprise who, by risk and initiative, attempts to make profits;

  6. an affair, matter; serious work or activity; a trade or profession; an industrial, commercial, or professional operation; purchase and sale of goods and services;

  7. a person who directs or manages an organization, industry, shop, etc.; a person who controls the business affairs of smb.; a person who has a talent for managing efficiently;

  8. to think carefully about smth. you want to do in the future and decide exactly how you will do it;

  9. to form (parts or elements of smth.) into a structured whole; coordinating; arranging methodically or in order;

  10. to show the way to (an individual or a group) by going with or ahead; to guide by holding, pulling, etc.;

  11. to command, direct, rule, regulate;

  12. a business enterprise.

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