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partnershipтоварищество, партнерство (некорпорированная фирма, кото­рой владеют и которой управля­ют два лица или более)

general partnership – компания с неограниченной ответственностью

limited partnershipтоварищество с ограниченной ответственностью

to distinguish – различать, проводить различие

to set forth – излагать, формулировать

legal agreement – юридическое соглашение

complementary – добавочный, дополнительный

capital assets – 1) основные фонды (машины, здания, сооружения, оборудова­ние и т. п.); 2) оборотные сред­ства

retail – розничная продажа

to the extent of – до размера, в пределах

share – доля, часть; квота; акция

withdrawal – уход

joint venture – совместное предприятие

to dissolve the partnership – аннулировать, расторгать партнерство

dissolution of the entity – ликвидация экономического объекта

1 . Answer the questions on the text:

  1. What is a partnership?

  2. What is the difference between the limited partnership and general partnership?

  3. What are the advantages of partnership?

  4. What are the disadvantages of partnership?

  5. What is a joint venture?

  6. What should partners have to be able to run their business?

2. Guess what is meant by the following:

1. A negotiated and typically legally binding arrangement between parties as to a course of action.

2. A business or firm owned and run by two or more partners.

3. Property owned by a person or company that is purchased for long-term use and is not likely to be converted quickly into cash, such as land, buildings, and equipment.

4. An association of persons who are all personally liable for any legal actions and debts the company may face.

5. The maximum amount a person participating in a business can lose or be charged in case of claims against the company or its bankruptcy.

6. An association of two or more individuals or companies engaged in a solitary business enterprise for profit without actual partnership or incorporation.

7. A thing that motivates or encourages one to do something.

8. A special type of partnership which is very common when people need funding for a business, or when they are putting together an investment in a real estate development.

9. The sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale.

10. One of the equal parts into which a company's capital is divided, entitling the holder to a proportion of the profits.

11. The closing down or dismissal of an assembly, partnership, or official body.

3. Find in the text sentences containing the following Participles and translate them into Russian in writing.

1. … employees … if given the incentive…

2. … a written agreement…

3. …limited management decisions …

4. … a continuing partnership…

5. …accumulated partnership assets …

4. Translate the phrases into English and compose sentences with them.

1. решения, принимаемые партнерами; партнеры, принимающие решения;

2. доходы, распределяемые между собственниками; собственники, разделяющие ответственность;

3. меры, предпринимаемые партнерами; партнеры, предпринимающие меры;

4. сотрудники, привлекаемые в бизнес; бизнес, привлекающий сотрудников;

5. ограниченная ответственность; письменный договор, ограничивающий ответственность;

6. накопленные средства; партнеры, накапливающие средства.

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