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finance - финансовое дело, финансы

consumer credit - потребительский

to regard — считать кредит

financial security - финансовая обеспечение

to borrow — занимать, заимствовать

mortgage — закладная

to be freed from — быть свободным от чего-либо

building society — строительное общество

means — средство, способ

to pay in installments — платить в рассрочку

to live within smb's means — жить по средствам

hire purchase — покупка или продажа в рассрочку

employment — работа, занятость

in reserve — в запасе

saving account — сберегательный счет

current account — текущий счет

to rent — сдавать в аренду

credit card — кредитная карта

property — собственность

to handle — обращаться с чём-л., с кем-л.

share — акция

stock market — рынок акционерного капитала

debt — долг

on credit — в кредит

wages — заработная плата

annual basis - годичная основа

essentials - предметы первой необходимости

salary — жалованье, оклад

fee - гонорар

to соре with - справиться

worst-off - находящийся в худшем положении

repayment - погашение (долга)

interest on loan - ссудный процент

subsistence level - прожиточный минимум

to lend (lent, lent) - давать взаймы

1. Write the transcription and train the pronunciation of the following words. Memorize them.

current unexpected subsistence

reserve expenses essentials

financial expensive consumer

supplier mortgage annual

finances debt account

service purchase employment

security society loan

2. Transform the following sentences into negative and translate them

  1. It means being freed from the need to think about money.

  2. Credit cards can be a helpful way of handling unexpected expenses.

  3. They pay for expensive things in installments by means of a hire purchase plan.

  4. The worst-off people are the unemployed and homeless.

  5. He always borrows the money in the form of a mortgage from a mortgage bank.

  6. He is now studying international banking and public finance.

  7. The college was closed due to lack of finance.

  8. Personal finances are how much money you have.

  9. My finances are in a bad way now.

  10. The present state of the country's finances is quite good.

3. Transform the following sentences into special questions and translate them

  1. Financial security is the most important thing in the family finances.

  2. Everybody needs ready cash and a bit in reserve for a rainy day.

  3. Credit is always costly.

  4. Many people live on credit.

  5. Students must be taught how to handle their finances.

  6. Some people are afraid to use consumer credit.

  7. People earn money in different ways.

  8. Sometimes people are unable to cope with repayments.

4. Guess what word is meant

  1. Money used to run a business, an activity or a project

  2. Having a lot of money or property

  3. Money in the form of coins or notes

  4. Available to be used in the future or when needed

  5. Money that you spend

  6. A sum of money that somebody owes

  7. To make it possible for somebody to do something

  8. Something that you have bought

  9. Regular amount of money that a person earns, usually every week

  10. Something that is needed in a particular situation or in order to do a particular thing

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