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V2. Write an essay about your research work using all grammar structures and vocabulary studied. Unit 8

Improve your pronunciation:

P1. There are silent consonants in some English words. Pay attention to the pronunciation of such words:

Knack, doubt, forehead, hour, sign, column, wrong, doorknob, campaign, whole, knock, unknown, knowledge, salmon, often, whether, answer, psychology, debt, foreign, soften, climb, muscle, whose, plumber, vehicle, design, wheel.

Word building

Suffixes of adjectives

-able, - ible: understandable – понятный; detectable - который можно обнаружить; observable - который можно наблюдать

- al :central

-ant, - ent: different, insistent

- ful:careful(наличие качества)

- less:careless,hopeless(отсутствие качества)

-ish:reddish- красноватый (небольшая степень качества)

- ive:active;

- ous:famous, dangerous

-y: cloudy, dirty


WB1 Translate the sentences.


1. Organic farming is better for the environment. 2. It is an insoluble problem. 3. The length of the smallest addressable unit should be used definable. 4. His speculations were illogical. 5. The degree of success was unexpectedly great. 6. To achieve these goals interdisciplinary research is essential. 7. The radiation loss is unavoidable. 8. In this case the theory yields to unacceptable errors. 9. A somewhat different method leads to the same result. 10. The phenomenon observable in this case is not understood.


Prepositions and conjunctions


Наречие : как; в качестве

Союз: так как; когда; в то время, как; по мере того, как;как

This arrangement is adopted as being more economical. – Это устройство принято как более экономичное.

As a current flows through a conductor, it sets up a magnetic field in the neighborhood of the latter. Когда ток течет через проводник, он вызывает магнитное поле вокруг последнего.

As settlements grew into cities, the need for agricultural lands and fuelwood increased.По мере того, как поселения становились городами, потребность в сельскохозяйственных землях и топливе росла.

This formula is not so simple as you think. – Эта формула не такая простая,какВы думаете.

Составные предлоги и сочетания с as:

as well as…так же как (и)so as– так чтобы

asas…так (же)…как (и)as to– что касается, относительно

as soon as…как только as far as – до, насколько

so far as - насколько

as if, as though – как если бы; как будто as much…as – столько…сколько…

as compared to (with) – по сравнению с as often as not – нередко

as yet– еще; пока; до сих порas long as…пока

as such– как таковой; сам по себе; по существу

G1.Translate the sentences.


1. Energy is defined as ability to do work and it occurs in many forms. 2. As the water is in state of rest there will be no flow of energy. 3. As comets recede from the sun again, their brightness rapidly diminishes. 4. The pointer tells how loud the signal is as it is sent to the transmitting station. 5. This motor will supply as much energy as required. 6.Computers are classified as to the functions they can perform. 7. Special-purpose computers are used as well. 8. As time went on this doctrine began to lose supporters. 9. As cool gas enters the hot zone it begins to heat.

B, C

1. A compass needle is a piece of magnetized metal suspended or floating so as to swing freely. 2. As we have seen already, the exploitative attitude toward the forest has changed in some countries. 3. Variations in the pressure over various parts of the earth’s surface give rise to horizontal movements as well as to vertical ones. 4. As you should know, the light is slowed down as it goes through the lens. 5. The circles drawn around the earth sphere parallel to the equator decrease in size as we go from the equator to either pole. 6. As long as the car is in order you can be carried from one place to another. 7. Some semiconductors are almost as good conductors as metals. 8. Timber as a material for mine support is of great importance as well.

9. Thus as temperature is raised less CO2 is formed. 10. Some people as often as not are not liable to be interviewed. 11. As compared to the above method, this one gives rise to an alternative interpretation of the problem. 12. The lack of published research activities in this area as such worried students. 13. As the strips become finer the values of the elements in the matrix become smaller and similar. 14. The exact expressions are almost as easy to evaluate as the approximate ones.


Союз: так как

Предлог: для, в течение, из-за, за, так как, поскольку

We shall go to the lecture on mechanics for it seems to be interesting. – Мы пойдем на лекцию по механике, так как она, кажется, будет интересной.

He was working at that design for 2 days. – Он работал над этим чертежом два дня. (в течение 2 дней)

Pistons for small engines are generally made of cast iron.– Поршнидлямалогабаритных двигателей обычно делаются из чугуна.

We need much electricity for it is used both in our homes and in industry. - Нам нужно большое количество электричества,так как оно используется как в быту, так и в промышленности.

G2. Translate the sentences


1. The flare will burn for approximately 3 minutes and will light up an area of 2 square miles under normal conditions. 2. Appliances for converting energy from one form to another are called engines. 3. An ammeter is an instrument for measuring current. 4. However for special purposes heat, light and sound are very useful sources of energy, too. 5. Some of the atoms in your bones are exploding all times, for minute amounts of phosphorus in your bones are radioactive. 6. At the same time, it is advisable to conduct a thorough study of other roads for the solution of this principle task. 7. Our age is called the age of computers for we use computers for various purposes. 8. Hydrogen is widely used for it contains a large amount of chemical energy.

9. For a long time scientists were not able to discover the secret of an atom. 10. We should create research possibilities for those who have the ability to research work.


Союз: поскольку, так как, с тех пор как

Предлог: с

There is no flow of electrons since the electric circuit was broken.С того момента как была прервана электрическая цепь, поток электронов прекратился.

Since the release of the potential energy of the atomic nucleus we have entered the atomic age, we are living and working in. С освобождением потенциальной энергии атомного ядра мы вступили в атомный век, в котором мы живем и работаем (сейчас).

Since the Moon is the nearest body to the Earth, we know more about it than we know about any other planet.Поскольку Луна – ближайшее к Земле небесное тело, мы знаем о ней больше, чем о любой другой планете.

G3. Translate the sentences.


1. How much time has passed since Popov invented radio? 2. We say that an object at rest has no kinetic energy since its velocity is zero. 3. Since Mendeleyev arranged the elements in a system, that periodic system has been widely used all over the world. 4. Many years have passed since that time, and what great inventions and discoveries have been made! 5. Glass has been widely used since the ancient times. 6. Since matter is the basic working material in our world, we ought to learn as much as possible about it. 7. Since the region in Fig.5 did not change with slightly different parameters, we consider it as the model. 8. Since the theory should be a general one it should apply in all cases mentioned. 9. Since then attention has been focused on understanding the fundamental mechanisms involved in this process. 10. Since his forecasts are imperfect, every day he suffers an opportunity loss.

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