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Chen The electron capture detector

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The parent negative ion is not observed for monobromobenzene, but is observed for the tribromobenzenes. For all the higher substituted bromobenzenes dissociative thermal electron attachment takes place along with molecular ion formation. A small amount of the parent negative ion of bromonaphthalene is observed at 373 K, while the formation of the bromide ion is the predominant process. At 523 K only the bromide ion is formed, indicating an increase in the rate of dissociation and a decrease in the rate of stabilization of the intermediate negative ion to the ground state. For brominated biphenyls molecular ion formation is observed at 373 K and dissociation predominates at 523 K. The initial electron attachment occurs via an excited state that is stabilized to the ground state at 373 K. At 523 K dissociation competes with stabilization because of the smaller EDEA of the bromo compound relative to the chloro compound. The parent negative ion is observed for decafluorobiphenyl at 373 K and 523 K. The parent negative ions of bezo[a]pyrene, fluoranthene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, diphenylfulvene, tetrachlorodimethylphthalate, 2,3dichloronaphthoquinone, 2,4-dichloronaphthol, nitronaphthalene, cyanonaphthalene, and naphthaldehyde are observed in NIMS. All these molecules have a Ea greater than 0.7 eV.

On the basis of these observations, for this NIMS equipment, an electron affinity of approximately 0.4 to 0.5 eV is required to observe the parent negative ion at 373 K. If the Ea is greater than 0.7 eV, and there are no thermally accessible dissociative pathways, the molecular ion will dominate at both 373 K and 523 K. In the case of dissociative electron attachment the EDEA will determine the abundance of the parent negative ion. The possibility of ion molecule and elimination reactions could also reduce the parent negative-ion intensity for molecules with a large electron affinity.


The pesticides are highly chlorinated organic compounds, while some herbicides contain nitro groups, halogens, and alkylamino groups. Chlorinated dioxanes and phenols are among the most toxic compounds. The electron affinities of these compounds have not been measured, but the Ea of related compounds can be used to predict their electron affinities using substitution effects. These predictions can be compared with the NIMS data at 373 K and 523 K. Nitrobenzene has an established Ea of 1.0 eV and only undergoes nondissociative reactions in NIMS, while iodobenzene only shows dissociative reactions because the EDEA is positive (exothermic).

The electron affinities of phenol and the chlorinated phenols have not been measured. Since the parent negative ion for phenol is not observed in NIMS at 373 K, the Ea should be less than 0.5 eV. Asssuming a value of 0.3 eV and noting that the effect of the substitution of a hydroxyl group in aromatic compounds increases the Ea more than the substitution of a chlorine atom, the Ea of chlorinated phenols should be larger than that of the chlorobenzenes. The Ea of the trichlorophenols


TABLE 11.13 Electron Affinities (in eV) of Chlorinated Anthracenes, Xanthene, and Dibenzofuran from ECD Data

[43 and this work]


K (523)

RT ln(K=KR)









































should be greater than that for the tetrachlorobenzenes, or about 0.8 eV. All trichlorophenols show parent negative ions at 373 K and 523 K. The Ea of pentachlorophenol with two additional chlorine substitutions is predicted to be 1.3 eV. The Ea of the tribromophenols should be higher than that for the trichlorocompounds or approximately 0.9 eV, while that for the pentabromophenol should be about 1.5 eV. The Ea for pentachlorphenol obtained via CURES-EC is 1.25 eV, while that for pentabromophenol is 1.45 eV.

The electron affinities of the anilines can be compared to those of the phenols and halobenzenes. The Ea of the trichloranilines should be less than that for the trichlorphenols or about 0.6 eV. The NIMS for the anilines are very similar to that of the phenols, except that less loss of HX occurs. The Ea for the tribromoanilines should be about 0.75 eV, while that for pentachloroaniline and pentabromoaniline should be 1.1 eV and 1.4 eV. The CURES-EC values are 1.2 eV and 1.45 eV.

The Ea of the parents of the chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofuran have not been reported. A value for dibenzofuran can be obtained from a single-point ECD determination, as shown in Table 11.13, from lnðKx=Kref Þ ¼ EaðXÞ Ea(ref). Also shown are data for dibenzofuran, xanthene, and the chloroanthracenes [43]. The Ea is determined by referring to compounds with a measured Ea. The uncertainties in these values are 0.15 eV since they are determined from a single data point. The chloroanthracene values agree with the TCT values within the error. The CURES-EC and E1/2 values support the gas phase measurements. The CURESEC values for dibenzofuran and xanthene, are 0.3 eV and 0.4 eV respectively, in agreement with the gas phase values.

With an estimate for the Ea of dibenzofuran, 0.42 0.15 eV, the Ea of dioxin will be larger and is estimated at 0.6 0.15 eV. This agrees with the CURES-EC value. The electron affinities of the chlorinated dibenzofurans are predicted to range from 0.42 eV to 2.0 eV based on nominal increments. The CURES-EC value for octachlorodibenzofuran is 2.0 eV. The parent negative ions are observed at both temperatures in NIMS for two and four chlorines on each ring. No dissociative



reactions are observed. The Ea of the dioxins should vary from 0.6 eV to 2.2 eV. The CURES-EC value for the perchlorinated compound is 2.1 eV. The Ea of 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin is predicted to be 0.6 þ 0.8 ¼ 1.4 eV. The CURES-EC value is 1.35 eV. For the dioxins in NIMS the parent negative ions are formed at both temperatures, but dissociative reactions are also observed.

The NIMS of all the substituted nitrobenzenes and m-dinitrobenzenes for which electron affinities have been determined are consistent with the measured Ea values. In addition, those compounds for which substituent effects have been established are consistent with predicted Ea. All the nitrobenzenes substituted with groups other than the alkyl or amino groups should have an Ea greater than 1 eV. Thus, the parent negative ion should dominate in the absence of dissociative reactions. For molecules with Ea between 0.5 eV and 1.5 eV, the Ea could be obtained from the measurement of the molar parent negative-ion intensities as a function of temperature. With higher temperatures a higher Ea can be measured. If dissociative reactions take place, the NIMS data can give estimates of bond dissociation energies and radical electron affinities.

The electron affinities of the multihalogenated nitrobenzenes can be estimated from the measured substitution effects for nitrobenzene. The electron affinities are increased by about 0.1 eV/F for one to five substitutions. By evenly spacing the values between the extreme values 1.1 eV and 1.5 eV, the Ea for nitrobenzene substituted with two, three, or four fluorines are 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 eV. For the chloronitrobenzenes the first two chlorines increase the Ea by 0.2 eV/Cl so the Ea for pentachloronitrobenzene is predicted to be 2.0 eV. The CURES-EC value is 1.9 eV. The parent negative ions for the tri and tetrachloronitrobenzenes are formed at 373 K and 523 K. The loss of NO2 and NO also occurs for compounds with three or more chlorines. Since NO2( ) is not observed with the loss of NO2, the electron affinity of the halogenated aromatic radical must be larger than that of NO2( ). The Ea of the trichlorophenide radical formed from the dissociation of the trichloronitrobenzene( ) ion is greater than 2.3 eV. The predicted value based on the phenyl radical is 1.1 þ 3 0.4 ¼ 2.3 eV. Similarly, the experimental data for tetrachloronitrobenzene and pentachloronitrobenzene show the loss of NO2, consistent with an Ea greater than 2.3 eV. The linearly extrapolated Ea for tetrachlorophenide and pentachlorophenide radicals are 2.6 eV and 3.1 eV. The experimental value for trichlorophenide is 2.4(1) eV from gas phase acidities and using the magnetron method. That of the pentafluorophenide radical determined from NIMS is 3.22(10) eV.

Atmospheric pressure negative-ion mass spectrometry (API-NIMS) has been used to determine the electron affinities of fluorocarbons, as described in Section 11.2.4. Another important application of API-NIMS to atmospheric and environmental problems is determining the hydration energies of anions. The determination of hydration energies supports the determination of molecular electron affinities. In Chapter 4, illustrations of data were given. We have determined the hydration energies of the Cl( ), I( ), and Br( ), O2( ) for n ¼ 1 to 5 or 7. These are the only such values measured at atmospheric pressure. The entropy changes of the O2( ) complexes up to n ¼ 5 are 23.1(1), 23.3(6), 21.8(6), 22.9(9), and 23.3(6) entropy units. The weighted average of these is 22.7(6). This value is used for the n ¼ 6


TABLE 11.14 Thermodynamic Properties for Stepwise Enthalpy, Entropy, and Gibb’s Free Energy Changes for the Hydration of O2( ) [23]

i 1; i

Hio 1;i

Sio 1;i

Gio 1;i

Hio 1;ia

Sio 1;ia

Gio 1;ia












































aData from the literature in [42]. Standard state is 1 atm.

and n ¼ 7 hydrates. The thermodynamic properties for the O2( ) hydrates are given in Table 11.14 and plotted in Figure 11.11. These are compared to experiment for the first three hydrates in Table 11.14 [44]. The general trends are the same. More definitive comparisons are not possible since the uncertainties in the values found in the literature are not given. The APIMS data indicate the filling of a shell at four waters or two waters bonded to each oxygen atom.

Figure 11.11 Energies for the sequential hydration of O2( ) determined using API mass spectrometry, from [23].




One objective of measuring the electron affinities of molecules is to predict the sensitivity and temperature dependence of the ECD and NIMS to compounds that might be analyzed. The chlorinated pesticides and dinitrobenzene herbicides give large responses in the ECD. Thus, their temperature dependence will be very small. Figure 11.12 gives the ECD data for several pesticides. High sensitivity and low temperature dependence are ideal for the analysis of these compounds. If NIMS is to be used, there could be problems with monitoring a specific ion, for example, the molecular ion. The dissociative reactions will deplete the intensity of the parent negative ion at higher temperatures and lower the overall sensitivity to the compound. If NIMS is to be used in the total ion mode, then it could be replaced with an ECD.

For the compounds with electron affinities less than 1.5 eV, such as the chlorinated dibenzodioxins, benzofurans, biphenyls, and naphthalenes, the temperature dependence of the ECD will be important but has not been measured. With estimates of the electron affinities, kinetic parameters, and bond dissociation energies, temperature dependence can be predicted from the kinetic model. This is illustrated for the chlorinated naphthalenes and biphenyls. These calculations may suggest the best conditions for analysis.

Figure 11.12 Calculated ln KT3/2 versus 1,000/T for chlorinated naphthalenes and pesticides, from [6]. The pesticide data appear in [45].


From Table 11.11 we see that the electron affinity of 1-chloronaphthalene is 0.30 eV. The Ea of octachlornaphthalene is 1.55 0.15 eV. The electron affinity of the dichlorocompound is nominally 0.6 eV, the trichlorocompound, 0.75 eV, and the tetrachlorocompound, 0.95 eV. The ECD curves were drawn with the parameters for 1-Cl-naphthalene. The bond dissociation energies and kinetic parameters were kept the same. The calculated curves for the chloronaphthalenes are shown in Figure 11.12. The experimental data for p,p0-DDT, heptachlor, dieldrin, and lindane are slightly higher, but have the same temperature dependence as perchloronaphthlene [45]. The negative-ion mass spectrometry of the chloronapthalenes shows dissociative electron capture for the compounds with one to three chlorines at both 373 K and 523 K. However, those with four to eight chlorines only form the parent negative ion. The calculated ECD curves agree with these data. At still higher temperatures the compounds with four to eight chlorines will dissociate with a lowering of the parent negative-ion intensity. The use of selected ion monitoring of the parent negative ion for analysis should be done at a lower temperature.

The electron affinities of the chlorinated biphenyls are lower than those of the chlorinated napthalenes. Nominal values are taken from Table 11.12. The temperature dependence of the three isomers of the monchlorobiphenyl will be similar to meta, ortho, and para dichlorobenzene data. Likewise, the temperature dependence of the compounds with two chlorines on the same ring will be similar to that of the trichlorobenzenes. The response of the fully chlorinated compound will be similar to that of hexachlorobenzene. The isomers with eight and nine chlorines only show nondissociative capture. Approximate curves for the chlorinated biphenyls are illustrated in Figure 11.13 and compared with experimental data obtained using the PDECD [45].

Figure 11.13 Calculated ln KT3/2 versus 1,000/T for chlorinated biphenyls, from [45].



The electron affinities of halogenated aromatic and aliphatic compounds and nitro compounds have been evaluated. Additional electron affinities for halogenated benzene, freons, heterocyclic compounds, dibenzofuran, and the chloroand fluorobenzenes are reported from ECD data. The first positive Ea for the fluorochloroethanes were obtained from published ECD data. The Ea of halogenated aromatic radicals have been estimated from NIMS data. The AEa of all the halobenzenes have been calculated using CURES-EC. The Ea of chlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated napthalenes obtained from reduction potentials have been revised based on variable solution energy differences.

The TCT Ea of perfluoromethylcyclohexane is confirmed with NIMS data and the Ea of perfluoromethylcyclopentane is reported. The EDEA for the loss of the tertiary fluorine atom is determined for both these compounds. In many cases the NIST values for fluorinated hydrocarbons could be for excited states. In all but a few of the cases, there is only one experimental determination of the Ea so confirmation using the CURES-EC procedure is important.

The activation energies for dissociative thermal electron reactions have been correlated with bond dissociation energies when available. Estimates of activation energies for dissociative reactions have been made by assuming a fixed value for A1 and using relative molar responses or relative rate constants to calculate activation energy differences. Additional bond dissociation energies are obtained from these data.

The temperature dependence of negative-ion mass spectra of environmental compounds has been analyzed in terms of the electron affinities and EDEA values. Morse potential energy curves have been constructed using the Herschbach parameters to illustrate the different types of thermal electron reactions. The temperature dependence of the ECD response for chlorinated naphthalenes and biphenyls has been predicted and is compared with experimental data for several pesticides and chlorinated biphenyls.


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Biologically Significant Molecules


The interaction of thermal electrons with biologically significant molecules is essential to all living organisms. It has long been known that energetic electrons and radiation can damage and destroy DNA. Until recently little accurate fundamental thermodynamic or kinetic information on the reaction of thermal electrons with molecules of biological significance has been available. Since 1990 the techniques presented in this book have been used to obtain additional data and develop an interpretation. The negative-ion states of NO and O2 were assigned. The first experimental electron affinities and gas phase acidities of the purines and pyrimidines were measured using half-wave reduction potentials and negative-ion mass spectrometry. These were confirmed by CURES-EC calculations. Morse potential energy curves for cytosine and thymine were calculated. Electron affinities of the Watson Crick hydrogen-bonded base pairs were predicted using CURES-EC. A model for electron transport was proposed. These results will be integrated with other experimental and theoretical studies to provide a summary of the field’s current status.

Before 2002 the experimental electron affinities of the simple molecules O2 and NO had not been assigned to electronic states. The role of O2 and its anion in biochemical processes is well known, but only in the past 20 years have we begun to understand the role and mechanism of NO in living organisms. However, more than a century ago nitroglycerin, discovered by Alfred Nobel, was found to act biologically as an NO donor, resulting in headaches among and affecting the blood pressure of those manufacturing the explosive. Indeed, one of first drugs to treat angina is another NO donor, amyl nitrate. In 1992 the journal Science named NO the ‘‘molecule of the year.’’ In 1998 Furchgott, Ignarro, and Murad won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for ‘‘describing the role of nitric oxide as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system,’’ returning NO full circle to the work of Alfred Nobel [1, 2].

The Electron Capture Detector and the Study of Reactions with Thermal Electrons by E. C. M. Chen and E. S. D. Chen

ISBN 0-471-32622-4 # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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