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International HeraldTribune

Friday. April 18, 2003

Текст 3

Museums and archeological associations across the world are also mobilizing. On Wednesday, Germany’s Archeological Institute offered to help restore Iraq’s museums.

MacGregorpaid, director of the British Museum, said that the British Museum, which is to be the host of another gathering of experts on Iraqi culture in London on April 29, has offered six conservators and three curators to help in the crisis and was coordinating its response with the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg and Berlin’s museums.

Текст 4

The coalition is responsible for Iraq’s treasures new york

The looting of Iraq’s national museum in Baghdad could have been prevented. The coalition forces are clearly to blame for the destruction and displacement of its cultural treasures.

Their failure to protect the museum – an effort that probably wouldn’t have required many more troops than were engaged in toppling the statue of Saddam Hussein – is inexcusable.

After all, late last year, experts and scholars started working with the Bush administration to identify key Iraqi cultural and archaeological sites and to have them removed from lists of potential bombing targets. While the museum was not bombed, troops failed to protect the building and its priceless contents from the chaos that engulfed Baghdad.

International HeraldTribune

May 30, 2003

Упражнение II. Переведите текст 5 по абзацам с повторениями:

Текст 5

25 ноября в Кремле прошло заседание Совета по культуре и искусству. На нем кроме постоянных участников Совета присутствовали Президент России и впервые – генеральный директор ЮНЕСКО Коитиро Мацуура (Koichiro Matsuura)

* * *

Генеральный директор сообщил, что еще до начала войны в Ираке он призвал США обеспечить военную защиту археологического музея в багдаде, а британцев – взять под охрану памятники культуры Басры.

* * *

Он также призвал соседние с Ираком страны не допустить незаконного вывоза иракских культурных ценностей. Но призывы эти не помогли.

Все участники Совета заявили о необходимости активных усилий за возвращение культурных ценностей в музеи Ирака или временно в Британский музей и музеи других стран.

Никита Михалков поднял также вопрос о сохранении культурной самобытности России и отметил рост негативного отношения граждан к банальным телешоу.


26 ноября 2003


(Специализированные органы оон – МАГАТЭ,

Международный суд)


International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA

The International Court of Justice, iCJ

weapons of mass destruction, WMD

pariah [pq'rQIq]

(somebody or something not accep­ted by society, a social outcast)

Международное агентство по ато­м­ной энергии, МАГАТЭ

Международный суд

оружие массового поражения


Домашнее задание к уроку 7

Изучите переводческий комментарий и выполните упражнение III (тексты 5 и 6).


Упражнение I. тексты 1, 2, 3 для перевода с листа по абзацам без предварительной подготовки:

Текст 1

libya abandons wmd development

LONDON – Libya, a pariah state for decades, said Friday that it would abandon its weapons of mass destruction programs and allow unconditional inspections, drawing praise from Washington and London for its move toward rejoining the international community.

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Libya had chosen "of its free will" to "completely eliminate* the internationally banned weapons of mass destruction," the Foreign Ministry in Tripoli said.

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UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, hailed Libya’s decision Saturday as "a positive step toward the strengthening of global efforts to prevent the spread and use of those weapons. "He urged all nations to fully implement*disarmament treaties"

* * *

South Africa, which voluntarily dismantled its nuclear weapons program in the 1990s, also called for an end to the U.S. sanctions, saying Libya’s move "will further create the conditions for Africa to achieve its vision of having a continent free of weapons of mass destruction."

* * *

President George W. Bush on Friday held out the promise of improving relations with Libya if the country's leader, Moammar Gadhafi, keeps his word on weapons and engages in efforts to combat terrorism.

* * *

The UN Security Council ended sanctions against Libya in September after Gadhafi’s government took responsibility for the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am jetliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, that killed 270 people, and agreed to pay $2.7 billion to the victims’ families.

Russia and France, both vociferous opponents of the U.S.-led war in Iraq, said Libya's decision demonstrated the effectiveness of using peaceful political tools to resolve international problems.

Reuters, AP,

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