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Признаки существительного и его функции

В английском языке существительные не имеют категории рода и могут заменяться на личные местоимения he, she, или it для неодушевленных существительных, they – для множественного числа.

a book (it) a girl (she) a boy (he)

books, boys, girls (they)

Множественное число образуется прибавлением окончания – s (или – es после шипящих, свистящих и – o)

a plan – plans a box – boxes

Ряд существительных имеет особую форму множественного числа.

a man – men

a woman – women a child – children

Существует ряд заимствованных существительных (латинского, греческого происхождения), которые сохраняют форму множественного числа из заимствованного языка.

phenomenon (явление) – phenomena (явления) datum (данное) – data (данные)

radius (радиус) – radii (радиусы) analysis (анализ) – analyses (анализы) axis (ось) – axes (оси)

basis (база) – bases (базы)

Английские существительные имеют форму общего падежа и не имеют падежных окончаний. Падежные отношения передаются с помощью местоположения существительного в предложении или сочетания с предлогами. Например, родительный падеж передается сочетанием


существительного с предлогом of (the poles of the magnet; предлоги to и for соответствуют в русском языке дательному падежу (He made this experiment for his students.); творительного – предлогами with и by (Electric lamp was invented by Lodygin.). Предлогам следует уделять особое внимание при переводе.

Задание 15. Переведите текст, письменно пользуясь словарем, уделяя особое внимание переводу предлогов. Составьте словарь незнакомых терминов по энергетике. Запомните значения терминов.


Part II

It is essential that only trained employees are instructed to use this electrical safety procedure, and in addition to this, they should be made aware of all the aspects of electricity that revolve in the machines they operate. Anyone who works around these machines, whether they’re included in the machines repair or not, should also be informed about these electrical safety procedures, lest they tamper with the lockout/tagout devices and cause danger. These people must always be informed when a Lockout Tagout electrical safety procedure is currently taking place, and that they are prohibited to work on the machines or even come near them when service is undergoing.

In the course of history, over a hundred deaths have occurred when people fail to employ LO/TO efficiently, and it is essential to make sure that your workplace is not part of this statistic. Always make sure that you follow each one of OSHA electrical safety regulations about LO/TO, and require your employees to take training, most especially those that are going to be instructed to work on machines. We recommend that your company provide training to employees on workplace safety, electrical safety, and other topics to reduce workplace injuries and we use www.safetyvideos.com for all of our training needs. We also recommend

Arc Flash Safety. Arc flashes are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Children And Electrical Safety. Keeping your child safe from electrical dangers is critical!

We provide information to keep your children safe when it comes to electricity and electrical dangers.

Electrical Burns. Electrical burns are unique and proper care needs to be in place should a victim suffer.

Electrical Fires. A big part of electrical safety is knowing about electrical fires, their causes, and how to prevent them.

Electrical Safety In The Home. When we discuss electrical safety, we must include the place where most people spend the bulk of their lives - their house.


Electrical Safety Training. With all the OSHA requirements, electrical safety training is crucial in the workplace.

Lockout Tagout. The lockout tagout procedure is not only important to OSHA, but also important to keep your personnel safe while working with hazardous energy.

Arc Flash Safety. Arc flashes are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Electrical Burns. Electrical burns are unique and proper care needs to be in place should a victim suffer.


Притяжательная форма существительных

Притяжательная форма существительных образуется с помощью добавления ’s к одушевленному существительному, например:

the student’s books – книги этого студента

the scientist’s discovery – открытия этого ученого

Если основа слова заканчивается на s, второе s не добавляется. Существительные, обозначающие дни недели, время суток и имеющих притяжательную форму переводятся как прилагательные.

today’s newspaper – сегодняшняя газета night’s shift – ночная смена

Все слова, стоящие слева от апострофа, относятся к слову в притяжательной форме.

Задание 16. Переведите текст, обращая особое внимание на притяжательную форму существительных. Составьте словарь новых слов по электротехнике.



While electricity surely helps to make the world go round, it is also a huge potential cause of serious injury and even death. Therefore, it is absolutely vital that you follow some basic and fundamental electricity safety rules.

Whether you are working with or are around electricity on a personal or commercial level, you should never take electricity safety for granted at any time. In addition, a point where many people often tend to accidentally harm themselves through electrical current is through overconfidence in their experience levels. However, regardless of how much experience you have working with electricity, you still need to follow the top electricity safety tips in order to make sure you stay safe at all times.

One of the most important things is that electricity surely helps to make the world go round, it is also a huge potential cause of serious injury and even death. Therefore, it is absolutely vital that you follow some basic and fundamental electricity safety tips.

Whether you are working with or are around electricity on a personal or commercial level, you should never take electricity safety for granted at any time. In addition, a point where many people often tend to accidentally harm themselves through electrical current is through overconfidence in their experience levels. However, regardless of how much experience you have working with electricity, you still need to follow the top electricity safety tips in order to make sure you stay safe at all times.

One of the most important electricity safety tips that you should follow at all times includes making sure that you never complete a full circuit of your body for the electricity to run through. For example, whenever you work with live wires, you must do it with one hand whenever possible, which helps to break the electric current and stop it from essentially locking your arms in place and maintaining the current.

You should also wear protective gloves that do not have any metal or materials that conduct electricity well. And when possible apply protective rubber grips to your tools to provide an extra barrier against direct electrical shock.

And you should also always have someone else present with you in the case that something does go wrong, insuring that there will be someone to take you to the hospital or even help revive you, that you should follow at all times includes making sure that you never complete a full circuit of your body for the electricity to run through. For example, whenever you work with live wires, you must do it with one hand whenever possible, which helps to break the electric current and stop it from essentially locking your arms in place and maintaining the current.

You should also wear protective gloves that do not have any metal or materials that conduct electricity well. And when possible apply protective rubber grips to your tools to provide an extra barrier against direct electrical shock.