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And you should also always have someone else present with you in the case that something does go wrong, insuring that there will be someone to take you to the hospital or even help revive you.


Существительное в роли подлежащего (как с определением, так и без определения).

The dynamo which Faradey invented in 1831 is certainly a primitive apparatus compared with the powerful generators today.

Существительное в роли сказуемого.

Frequency is the number of cycles per second.

Существительное в роли дополнения.

Franklin invented the lightning conductor.

Существительное в роли обстоятельства

Under the circumstances thermal relay protects system from failures.

Существительное в роли определения (правило ряда).

В роли определения существительное может быть с предлогом (после определяемого слова) и без предлога (перед определяемым словом).

steam engine plants – станции с паровым двигателем piston-type steam engine – паровой двигатель поршневого типа

high capacity class power stations – станции класса высокой мощности

Существительное в роли определения не имеет числа и может переводиться в качестве прилагательного.

a prime mover – что? – mover – движитель, какой? – первичный

high voltage transmission power line (главным является последнее существительное, все существительные стоящие перед ним являются определением к этому слову) – высоковольтная линия передач.


Задание 17. Переведите текст, определите функции существительных в первых трех предложениях. Составьте словарь незнакомых терминов по энергетике. Запомните значения терминов.


Do not approach any hazard, even at ground level. Keep as far away as possible. Follow the six steps below:

1.Warn anyone in the vicinity to evacuate the area.

2.Call our 24-hour electricity Emergency Number of your country.

3.Give your name and contact phone number.

4.Explain the nature of the issue/hazard.

5.Give as much information as possible so that we can identify the geographic location – i.e. town/village, numbers of near-by roads, postcode and (ONLY if it can be observed without putting you or others in danger) the tower number of an adjacent pylon.

6.Await further contact from a Power Grid engineer.


Суффиксы при переводе помогают определить различные части речи

weightlessness – weight – less – ness representation – re – presenta – tion

а) суффиксы существительных обозначающих лицо: - er (or)

to work – worker (работник) to do – doer (исполнитель)

to invent – inventor (изобретатель)

Суффиксы существительных обозначающих устройство, машину, которая совершает действие:

to cool – cooler (охлаждающее устройство)

to sense – sensor (чувствительное устройство)

б) - ian – национальность или звание и профессию: Russian, academician


в) Суффиксы абстрактных существительных:

-ance – importance (важность, значение)

-ence – difference (различие)

-age – voltage (напряжение), amperage (ток)

-dom – freedom (свобода)

-mentequipment (оборудование)

-ness – moveless (неподвижный)

-ure – pressure (давление)

-ity – activity (активность, деятельность)

-ship – friendship (дружба)

-hood – likelihood (вероятность)

-th – length (длина)

-ing – meeting (встреча)

Задание 18. Переведите текст, обращая особое внимание на суффиксы существительных. Выпишите все существительные из предложений первого абзаца текста, подчеркните суффиксы, объясните их значение.


Remember that water is an excellent conductor of electricity. Electrical safety around water is important outdoors as well as indoors. Any time that you are working with electricity or electrical tools or appliances, check to make sure there is no standing water nearby. Practice safety around electricity at all times.

Never touch electrical switches or power boxes when you are wet. If a breaker trips while you are in the swimming pool or bath tub, dry off and put on rubber shoes before touching power sources. Keep radios, hair dryers, curling irons and other electrical appliances away from tubs, showers and sinks. If you accidentally drop an electrical appliance in water, shut the power off completely before trying to get it out.

Make sure that all of your outlets are protected by Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI). If you are not sure, ask your electrician or call your power company. Most power companies are glad to send a consultant to your home for safety issues, and they can determine if your outlets are properly grounded.

Never use power tools around docks or piers. It is often tempting to work on the boat while it is still in the water, but the consequences are sometimes deadly. Take the extra time to put the boat on land before repairing it with power tools.

Read all of the information your power company sends to you in the mail. This is not junk mail. The information provided to you by the power company contains tips about electrical safety around water, ways to save on your energy bills and useful information for homeowners and renters. And be sure to read all of the information that comes with the electrical products you buy. Many computers, appliances, heating


units and other electrical components have special power requirements, and none of them should ever be used around water unless they are specifically manufactured for that purpose.


Неопределенный артикль

Неопределенный артикль a, an (an – употребляется со словами начинающимися с гласной) произошел от числительного «one – один», употребляется только перед существительными в единственном числе, обычно не переводится, но иногда требует перевода «один какой-то, какой-нибудь, некоторый» например:

An atom consists of positively charged protons.

Любой атом состоит из положительно заряженных протонов.

Задание 19. Переведите текст, обращая особое внимание на суффиксы существительных. Выпишите все существительные из трех первых абзацев текста, подчеркните суффиксы.


In the performance of his normal duties, the technician is exposed to many potentially dangerous conditions and situations. Training manuals set of rules or regulations, listing of hazards can make working conditions safe. It is possible for the technician to avoid

serious accident or injury. Attainment of this goal requires that technicians be aware of the main sources of danger, and that they remain constantly alert to those dangers. They must take the proper precautions and practice the basic rules of safety. Technicians must be safety conscious at all times, and this safety consciousness must become second nature to him. Although many of these hazards and precautions are general and apply to everyone, some of them are peculiar or especially applicable to those concerned with electrical and electronic maintenance.

Most accidents can be prevented if the full cooperation of every technician is gained, and if care is exercised to eliminate unsafe acts and conditions. In the following paragraphs, some general safety rules are listed. These rules apply to workers in all types of activities, and each individual should strictly observe the following precautions as applicable to his work or duty:


1.Report any unsafe condition or any equipment or material which he considers to be unsafe.

2.Warn others whom he believes to be endangered by known hazards or by failure to observe safety precautions.

3.Wear or use available protective clothing or equipment of the type approved for safe performance of his work or duty.

4.Report any injury or evidence of impaired health occurring in the course of work or duty.

5.Exercise, in the event of any unforeseen hazardous occurrence, such reasonable caution as is appropriate to the situation.


The – исторически восходит к указательному местоимению that «тот». Употребляется с существительными в единственном и во множественном числе. Его функция – индивидуализация предмета, лица, понятия, выделение его среди других. Артикль the может не переводиться, если этого требует контекст. Но иногда требуется перевод словами эта, этот, данный, эти и т. д.

The invention of a lamp was patented by Edison.

Изобретение лампы было запатентовано Эдисоном.

The invention was already made in Russia.

Это изобретение уже было сделано в России.

Задание 20. Переведите текст письменно, обращая особое внимание на перевод артиклей.


The amount of current that may pass through the body without danger depends on the individual and the current quantity, type, path, and length of contact time. Body resistance varies from 1,000 to 500.000 ohms for unbroken, dry skin. Resistance and its unit of measurement are discussed later in this book. Resistance is lowered by moisture and high voltage, and is highest with dry skin and low voltage. Breaks, cuts, or burns may lower body resistance. A current of I milliampere can be felt and will cause a person to avoid it. The term milliampere is a very small amount of current or 1/1,000 of an ampere. Current as low as 5 milliamperes can be dangerous. If the palm of the hand makes contact with the conductor, a current of about 12 milliamperes will tend to cause the hand muscles to contract, freezing the