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ДЕЛОВЫЕ ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ (Кардович, Ивакина, Сумароко...doc
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Practice 5.

Match the words (1-8) with their definitions in the bubbles (a-j)

  1. Happening or chosen without any definite plan or system

  2. To do something that that you do not want to do, in order to try to achieve something

  3. False or not real, and intended to deceive someone

  4. To maintain one’s position, claim, argument, etc despite opposition or pressure

  5. To leave a meeting suddenly before the end, especially as a protest.

  6. To oppose, to try to prevent yourself from being forced to do smth

  7. To be forced to agree to do smth;; to allow someone else to have power or control over smth

  8. Committing to a course of action, usually publicly

  9. To agree to do what someone wants or let them do what they want, without arguing or complaining, ever though you don’t like it

  10. The way to do smth avoiding losing the respect of other people.

Practice 6.

Think of suitable words for the following definitions:

  1. Tactics designed to make you feel uncomfortable, so that you will have a subconscious desire to end the negotiation as soon as possible.

  2. They are sometimes called “the silent language”.

  3. The power or right to make important decision and control people.

  4. The use of smth bad or unpleasant as means of achievement smth, often because no other cource of action is possible.

  5. To leave a meeting suddenly before the end, especially as a protest.

  6. Making once concession and then adding new demands or reopening new demands.

  7. Bargaining tactics designed to structure a situation so that only one side can effectively make concessions.

Practice 7.

Translate from English into Russian

  1. The police may have to resort to force.

  2. Despite being exposed to positional pressure he firmly stood his grounds..

  3. They have acquiesced in his resignation.

  4. Recent wage increases have been nullified by inflation.

  5. The government yielded to demands to decrease the level of taxes.

  6. The company and its creditors rejected the ambiguous terms of the possible transaction.

  7. All the political ramifications of the treaty will become evident only in a few months.

  8. It was the team’s first success of the season on the turf.

  9. The refinery is operating safely and in compliance with clear air standards.

  10. My boss was grateful that I had brought the tactic to the attention of the other party during the phase of preliminary negotiations.

  11. The representative of the company has been quite explicit about their intentions.

  12. He accused the government of dirty tricks against the Republicans.

Practice 8.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

  1. В соответствии с правилами, участники переговоров имеют право покинуть стол переговоров в том случае, если противоположная сторона прибегла к преднамеренному обману.

  2. Если ваши партнеры используют тактику следования жесткому курсу, предупредите их, что вы никогда не идете на уступки под давлением силы.

  3. В ходе переговоров обсуждались возможные последствия внесения контрпредложений в договор.

  4. Я бы не советовал тебе прибегать к использованию непроверенных фактов.

  5. Основные идеи этих двух публикаций частично совпадают, хотя были изложены (state) представителями различных школ.

  6. Компания собирается провести опрос более 1000 потребителей, произвольно выбранных компьютером.

  7. Члены Совета директоров продолжали стоять на своем, несмотря на то, что многие акционеры считали возможным изменить тактику компании.

  8. Неофициальная встреча проходила на территории заказчика.

  9. Джейсону пришлось отступить и молча согласиться не использовать свои полномочия.

  10. Для японских менеджеров характерно проявление рассудительности, целостности и умение пользоваться своими полномочиями.

  11. В случае отказа продолжать переговоры предложите вашим партнерам альтернативные варианты: конфиденциальную встречу или переговоры через посредников.

Supplementary Materials