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ДЕЛОВЫЕ ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ (Кардович, Ивакина, Сумароко...doc
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3. Какие подарить цветы

В некоторых странах Западной Европы нужно быть крайне осторожным в отношении того, чтобы дарить женщинам на праздник хризантемы. В Испании, Франции, Греции, Германии, Венгрии их приносят в связи с печальными событиями. В Италии хризантемы кладут только к памятникам или на могилы. Осторожность нужно проявлять и в отношении гвоздик. Их ни в коем случае нельзя дарить француженкам: в этой стране считают, что гвоздики приносят в дом несчастье. Во Франции принято дарить цветы белого цвета.

Совсем необязательно дарить большие букеты цветов, можно ограничиться маленькими букетиками или даже одним цветком, как это часто делают в Эстонии.

Полученные в подарок цветы тотчас же ставят в вазу.

В больницу нежелательно брать цветы с сильным или резким запахом.

Во многих странах мира бытует мнение, что дарить следует только нечетное количество цветов, а дарить букеты желтого цвета — неприлично.



A. Check your understanding

Read and translate the text carefully, looking up any new words in a list below or in a dictionary. Then retell it.

1. an aspiration - сильное желание, стремление, дыхание

2. to generate - создавать, производить, генерировать

3. credible - похвальный, делающий честь кому-либо

4. ingenious - изобретательный, искусный, остроумный

5. to project oneself into - перемещаться, переноситься, проектировать

6. to figure out - вычислять, понять, постичь

7. to dovetail - согласовывать, увязывать, подходить подгонять плотно

8. brainstorming work - мозговой штурм

9. pay off - расплатиться, рассчитаться с кем-либо, покрыть полностью

10. well-crafted - искусный, хитрый, ловкий, мастерский

11. refine - очищать, совершенствовать

12. an option - выбор, право выбора

How Analysis Can Help

One of the things that we do is to make an outline of how analysis can help.

We ask a number of questions to prepare for negotiations and then generate proper ideas. What happens if you don’t come to an agreement? What are the other alternatives? It isn’t so easy to identify the alternatives and cost them out. What is the best alternative to a negotiated agreement? What are some of your aspirations in these negotiations? How do you project yourself into the position of the other party? What are their opportunities? What is their best alternative to a negotiated agreement? What can we find out about how they negotiate, about their responsibility, etc.? What are the conventions for this type of negotiation? How honest are they? How open are they? How adversarial? Can negotiation be done in stage? Does it have to be done all at once? How credible are commitments? Do they say this is the bottom line and then back down?

Various elements can be discussed: opening gambits, the dynamics of the negotiation dance, closing the deal, etc.

In this case there was a seller and a buyer, and if the seller gets more, the buyer gets less. So the number of a one issue problem is that if one side wins more, the other side wins less. But, of course, both sides can lose if there is a zone of agreement and they cannot identify it or agree where to settle it.

Interests and Positions. People do not often tell you about their interests, but you can guess if you put yourself to their shoes. In fact, a mediator gets his power by having an ingenious solution, figuring out and knowing the interests of both sides and making them dovetail. So does the negotiator. A lot of brainstorming work, a lot of good ideas, can pay off and can lead to a well-crafted option taking the interest of the other side into account.

We should Generate More Theory. The kind of hard thinking about negotiation that has been missing is theoretical thinking. It is not just collecting anecdotes or data about how negotiators in fact negotiate. We need to sort those facts into useful categories. We need some hypotheses about cause and effect. We need to go back and forth between facts and generalizations, constantly refining the generalizations and testing them against experience.

B. Increase your vocabulary.

Work with the synonyms and the words with a close meaning:

I. In this section you should use your dictionary. Match the words in the given list (1-7) with their equivalents in the bubbles (a - q). Find out as many words as you can.

  1. to generate, 2. to refine, 3. aspiration, 4.well-crafted, 5. to project,

  1. to figure out, 7. an option

П. Substitute the words in italics for the most suitable ones from the list of the equivalents mentioned above.

1. Their aspirations in these negotiations are rather vague for us.

2. We should constantly refine the generalizations and test them in the course of pre-negotiation period work.

3. A lot of brainstorming work can lead to a well-crafted option taking the interest of the other side into account and generating proper ideas.

4. Can you project yourself into the position of the other party when negotiating or discussing something?

5. In fact, a mediator gets his power by having an ingenious solution, figuring out and knowing the interests of both sides and making them dovetail.

Ш. Work with the problems given below trying to use as many equivalents as you can.

1. How analysis can help in the negotiation process?

2. How would you reveal interests and positions of the other party if the adversary does not tell you about them?

3. Why should we generate more theory?

EXERCISE 2. Polish up your comprehension.

Complete the sentences of the text using the words in the box. Answer the questions below the text checking your comprehension.

1. numerous - многочисленный

2. inextricably - запутанно, сложно, неразрешимо

3. to give in - регистрировать, уступать, сдаваться

4. academics - теоретические, академические, научные

5. gap - пробел, промежуток, щель

How the Technique and Practice of Negotiation Was

Lately Worked out in the U.S.

Probably nо subject is as … today as the technique and practice of … and mediation. The problems of the world are increasingly complicated and numerous. The fates of nations and … are inextricably linked as communication and technology bind us together. At the same time, war (as an extension of diplomacy) has become an unthinkable alternative, and people are … … а way tо fight violence without giving in tо it.

All too frequently in the past, diplomats and … have been left to learn the art of negotiation on their own. Few concerned attempts have to help practitioners to share what they learned and to work … with academics who are trying to investigate the field and tо test various theories and … of negotiation.

Therefore, when the Center for the Study of Foreign Affairs was established in late 1982, it was decided that one of its areas would be … … and negotiation and that an attempt would be made to … … … between the practitioner and the academic … … …. The Center, а part of the Foreign Service Institute, provides а … … Foreign Service officers tо reflect and work … … … of interest and encourages cooperation between the State Department and the foreign affairs community. Its approach, and the approach of the Foreign Service Institute in general, is … … the best of the practitioner's … … … and the best of the theoretical and conceptual work of the academic.

1. conflict resolution; 2. bridge the gap; 3. peoples; 4. to synthesize;

5. closely; 6. methods; 7. facility for; 8. negotiation; 9. in this field; 10. important; 11. on research projects; 12. looking for;

13. negotiators; 14. experience and skill; 15. been made;

1. Why is the technique and practice of negotiation so important today?

2. In which way did the diplomats and negotiators learn the art of negotiation?

3. What did academics do in this field?

4. Which institutions in the US were involved in solving the problem of researching and studying negotiation?

5. What is the main approach of the institutions to the problem?

EXERCISE 3. Practice your abilities in discussion.

Read the article to find out the main ideas and make up a plan of it in written form. Discuss some points mentioned below the text in pairs, expressing agreements or disagreements, exclamations, additions as well as summarizing your ideas (for the purpose use the material of section 2). Then retell it using your plan.

1. an ambience - охват

2. to orchestrate - оркестровать

3. cuisine - кухня

4. а ploy – дело, проделка, работа

5. to convey – передавать, сообщать

6. а load – груз, бремя

7. an agenda – повестка дня

8. а magnanimity - великодушие

9. ambiguous - двусмысленный

10. to resort - прибегать

11. stalling tactics – тактика введения в заблуждение, уклонения

12. tо protract - выдвигаться

13. premature - преждевременный

14. explicitly – внешне выраженно, имея второй смысл

15. irreconcilable – непримиримый, противоречивый