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            1. What are the three functions of windows?

            2. Where were windows produced in faraway times?

            3. Where are windows mostly produced nowadays?

            4. What factor determines the area ofglass in windows of different types?

            5. What should the area of a window glass be equal to?

            6. Which part of a window carries the sashes?

            7. Which part of a window carries the window glass?

            8. How are windows classified nowadays?

            9. Do fixed and sliding sashes differ? In what way do they differ?

            10. What systems are double-hung windows supplied with?

            11. What type of windows is impenetrable?

            12. to shrink — усыхать, сокращаться to swell - разбухать, увеличивать­ся

              Master the head words.

              condensation — сгущение, кон­денсация rubber - резина, каучук

              215. Read the terminological combinations. IVanslate them from Russian.

              rubber cement - резиновая мастика rubber coating - покрытие резиной condensation water - конденсат

              Where are skylights placed?

Part 2


iron waste - железный лом

swell of iron waste - увеличение железного лома

swelling soil — разбухающая почва

shrinking crack - усадочная трещина

              1. A) Add prefix ле-; translate the words.

Model: new - renew - возобновить

paint - —

organize - -

open — —

heat - -

                1. Add suffix -able; translate the words.

Model: open - openable - могущий быть открытым

work - -

condense — —

support - -

                1. Add suffix -age; translate the words.

Model: use - usage - использование

ton - -

cover - -

              1. Translate into Russian.

openable hole workable elements supportable structures

              1. Translate the examples into Russian.

usage of plastic coverage rubber coverage of roof silo tower tonnage shrinkage of wood

              1. Read and translate the following questions.

  1. What are the traditional frame materials?

  2. Does wood, as a structural material, have any disadvantages? What are they if any?

  3. Why should wood be regularly repainted?

  4. In what way can the How of cold and heat through aluminum details be prevented?

    1. Translate the following word combinations.

relatively expensive and unworkable material

exterior window frame surface

plastic or synthetic rubber components

Read and translate tlie article.

The traditional frame material for windows is wood. But in the last decades aluminum, steel, plastic and combination of these materials are also commonly used. Wood is known to be a good thermal insulator and is extremely workable. It is easily turned into sashes. But its disadvantage is that it shrinks and swells when the weather conditions change. That is why wood elements require repainting every few years. As to aluminum, it is relatively inexpensive and easily workable as a sash material. Besides, it requires no periodic repainting. But aluminum should be thermally bro­ken and supplied with plastic or synthetic rubber components in order to prevent the flow of heat or cold through the metal. Aluminum also has its disadvantages. It is known to conduct heat so well that very soon conden­sation will form and even frost on interior window frame surface during cold winter weather.

221. Pair work. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the questions of Ex. 219.

Unit Fifteen


Master the key terms and head words.

floor - настил, пол, этаж, ярус to follow - следовать за, следить flooring - деревянный настил to influence - влиять на combustion - горение, воспламе- to measure - измерять, мерить

некие nozzle - сопло, наконечник, пат-

homogeneous - однородный, го- рубок

могенный reflection - отражение

to deal willi... - иметь дело с...