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Функции глагола «to be» и его перевод


+ предлог, наречие

быть, находиться

He is in the laboratory.

Он находится в лаборатории.

Last week I was in Moscow.

На прошлой неделе я был в Москве.

смысловой глагол

+ инфинитив


We are to work hard at our English.

Мы должны упорно работать над английским.

составного глаголь-ного сказуемого


значит, быть

His task is to study the second language.

Его задача – изучить второй язык.

составного именного сказуемого

+ причастие I

не переводится

Yesterday at 4 o’clock we were preparing for our English exam.

Вчера в 4 часа мы готовились к экзамену по английскому.

вспомогательный глагол

для образования времен группы Continious

+ причастие II

не переводится

The Bachelor degree is awarded on the results of examinations.

Степень бакалавра присуждается по результатам экзаменов.

вспомогательный глагол

для образования страдательного глагола

  1. It is to be noted that automation is an important factor of industry. It is being introduced on a wide scale in all branches of industry, agriculture, medicine and everyday life.

  2. In close cooperation with industrial workers our scientists and engineers are developing many new types of electronic and cybernetic devices. They are to bесоmе the basis for the solution of a great number of econoinic and scientific problems. They will be reliable helpers of engineers and scientists.

  3. It is due to the close cooperation of physicists and chemists that new physical measurements were developed.

  4. The station was a mile away.

  5. The device will be tested at our laboratory.

  6. It was Einstein who provided a new conception of time, space and gravitation.

  7. The students were to pass their English exam.

  8. He will be at the University library in an hour.

  9. You are to study hard to be good specialists in future.

  10. To be a good specialist is not so easy.

  11. I like to be in the open air.

  12. Don’t go for a walk. It is raining hard.

to note – отмечать;

to introduce – внедрять;

scale – масштаб;

close – тесный;

solution – решение;

reliable - надежный;

due to – благодаря;

measurement – измерение.

Функции глагола «to have» и его перевод

+ местоимение; существит.

иметь, обладать

I have this book.

У меня есть эта книга.

смысловой глагол


+ причастие II

не переводится

He had translated the article by five o’clock.

Он перевел статью к 5 часам.

вспомогательный глагол

+ инфинитив


We had to use this device in our work.

Мы должны были использовать этот прибор в нашей работе.

модальный глагол

  1. An electron is very small as it has a very small mass.

  2. In the application of electronic instruments the engineer must have a knowledge of their characteristics.

  3. They have to make this experiment once more.

  4. He has made an interesting report at the conference.

  5. We had a meeting yesterday.

  6. We had finished our work by 9 o'clock.

  7. She students will have to use a computer to make these calculations.

application – применение;

once more – еще раз;

calculation – вычисление;

success – успех;

huge – огромный.

Определите функции "to have" в предложениях. Предложения переведите.

  1. Today we have over 500 radio stations. Radio and TV have to inform and educate people. They have informed us about one more success of space science.

  2. Space television has a great future. It has to help in carrying out flights to other planets. A system of space television has helped to televise programmes directly to huge territories.

  3. Our plant had an old equipment. It had to be equipped with new machines. It had been equipped with them by the end of the last year.