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Participle I passive voice и способы его перевода


Причастием стра-дательного залога, оканчивающим-

ся на –щийся, -вшийся, -мый

The questions being discussed at the conference are very important.

Вопросы, обсуждаемые на конференции, очень важны.

Вопросы, которые обсуждаются на конференции, очень важны.

The plant being built in our district will produce TV sets.

Завод, строящийся в нашем районе, будет выпускать телевизоры.

Завод, который строится в нашем районе, будет выпускать телевизоры.

Обстоятельствен-ным придаточным предложением, начинающимся союзами

так как, когда.

Being asked at the lesson he always answeres all the questions.

Когда его спрашивают на занятии, он всегда отвечает на все вопросы.

        1. Our engineer has used the recommended method.

        2. The report followed by the discussion shows the importance of this problem.

        3. The heat produced is equal to the work done to produce it.

        4. If placed in different localities the weight of the body is different.

        5. When asked he did not answer.

        6. The substance formed possessed necessary properties.

  1. When heated all substances expand.

  2. Ice melts when heated.

  3. Unless tested the machine must not be put into operation.

  4. Yesterday the engineer demonstrated improved mechanisms.

  5. The device invented showed good performance.

  6. As seen from the article these devices are produced at our plant.

locality – местность;

possess – обладать;

property – свойство;

to melt – плавиться;

to improve – усовершенство- вать, улучшать;

performance – зд.: работа;

to watch – наблюдать;

to lose – терять;

repair – ремонт

Определите функцию и форму причастия (Participle I, Participle II). Предложения переведите.

1. Most of the laboratories equipped with the latest apparatus are housed in the main building. 2. Making the experiments you should be very attentive. 3. They were watching the moving particles. 4. Provided with automatic control our plant will increase the output. 5. The device being used in our experiment will help us to obtain better results. 6. The substance acted upon by heat changed its composition. 7. Being asked at the lesson she always answers all the questions. 8. The device demonstrated attracted general attention. 9. Being the cheapest metal zinc is the most commonly used metal. 10. Being heated a magnet loses some or all of its magnetism. 11. We know that objects will fall if not supported. 12. He visited the museum newly opened after a repair.

Функции participle II passive voice и способы его перевода

От правильных глаголов: инфинитив без “to” + ed = TRANSLATED

От неправильных глаголов: смотри таблицу неправильных глаголов


причастием на

-нный, -тый, -мый

The used method was very important.

Использованный метод был очень важен.

1) определительным причастным оборо-том, начинающимся

с причастий на -мый, -нный, -тый;

2) придаточным



The substance formed possessed important properties.

Полученное вещество обладало важными свойствами.

The text translated by the students is not difficult.

Текст, переведенный студентами, нетрудный.

Текст, который был переведен студентами, нетрудный.

1) при + существи-тельное;

2) придаточным обстоятельственным предложением;

3) деепричастием на


When heated all substances expand.

При нагревании все вещества расширяются.

Когда вещества нагревают, все они расширяются.

Нагреваясь, все вещества расширяются.

        1. The problems being discussed are of great importance for the development of chemistry.

        2. The metals being used in our work possess many important properties.

        3. Being asked the student answered perfectly well.

        4. I thought of the question being discussed at the conference.

        5. Technical and scientific problems being solved by our scientists are of great importance for the development of world science and technology.

        6. Being invited he always comes in time.

        7. The plant being built in our street will produce radio sets.

to possess – обладать;

property – свойство;

perfectly – очень;

to invite – приглашать;

installation – устройство;

to utilize – использовать;

proper – нужный;

carefully – тщательно;

skillfully – искусно

Сравните, как переводится Participle I Active Voice и Participle I Passive Voice в следующих предложениях.

  1. The installation being utilized is very effective. The young man utilizing the installation is our best student.

  2. The energy being produced was of great importance for our town. The power station producing energy for our town is very efficient.

  3. Being heated to the proper temperature the metal will melt. Heating the metal to the proper temperature we cause its melting.

  4. Being investigated by the scientist this method was used in our research. Investigating this phenomenon the scientist met many difficulties.

  5. The motor being made carefully and skilfully had no defects. The lab assistant making the experiment put down all the results.

Перевод конструкций типа «Have»+ существительное + PARTICIPLE II

I have my watch repaired.

Мне починили часы.

They have these books brought on Sunday.

Им принесли эти книги в воскресенье.

  1. I’ve just have my car repaired.

  2. Where did you have your watch repaired?

  3. The students had the first part of their work looked through, so they can continue their work.

  4. I must have my shoes cleaned.

  5. By whom did you have your exercises corrected?

  6. Mary had a new dress made last week.

  7. I didn’t have my room cleaned yesterday.

  8. We shall have our hostel built next year.

  9. I have my window broken yesterday.

  10. Why don’t you have your hair cut?

  11. She had her photograph taken.

  12. They will have these journals brought in a week.

to repair – ремонтировать;

shoes – туфли;

to break (broke, broken) – разбивать;

to cut one’s hair – стричь волосы

to take a photo- graph – фотографировать

to bring (brought) – приносить