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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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III. Post-reading acyivities.

1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is prescription?

  2. What does the word "praescriptus" come from?

  3. What does it mean?

  4. In what language are the prescriptions written in Great Britain?

  5. Is Latin used in prescriptions at present?

  6. How many names does a drug posses?

  7. What name of the drug is difficult to use and remember?

  8. Why are the trade names of drug difficult to use and remember?

  9. What drug names are not known to general public?

  1. On what does the dose of a drug depend?

  2. Are the name and address of the physician written on a prescription?

  3. How many parts does a prescription consist of?

  4. What does the symbol "Rx" mean?

  5. What information can we find in the body of the prescription?

  6. What medicinal forms are known to you?

  7. What is subscription?

  8. What information does the signature give to the patient?

  9. When does the prescription become a legal document?

  10. For what medications are prescriptions required?

2. Say whether the sentences are true or false.

  1. Prescriptions may include orders to be performed only by a pharmacist.

  2. Commonly, the term prescription is used to mean an order to take certain medications.

  3. Historically, a prescription was written after the drug was prepared and administered.

  4. Each drug has four names.

5. A prescription cannot be written without a very good knowledge of the dose effects of drags.

6. Symbol "Rx" means a command for a patient "take".

7. The body of the prescription provides the names and quantities of the chief ingredients of the prescription.

8. The directions to the pharmacist are called signature.

3. Fill in the blanks.

1. The trade name is usually known to the specialists of medicine and it is known to ... 2. Generic names are known to the specialists of... and .... 3. Generic names are difficult to ... and hard to .... 4. The term prescription is used to mean an order to take certain ... . 5. The body of the prescription contains .... 6. A prescrip­tion cannot be written without a very good ... of the dose effect of the drag.

4. Translate into English.

  1. В Англії рецепти пишуть англійською мовою.

  2. Доза, дозування, часи прийому і лікарська форма пишуться латиною.

3. Існує лише одна офіційна (фармакопейна) назва і декілька торгових назв одного й того ж лікарського препарату.

  1. Act out a dialogue with your partner if you are a doctor who writes a prescription:

  • to a patient who has a backache;

  • to a patient who has a high blood pressure;

  • to a patient who has heart troubles.

6. Look at the prescription and try to decode it.

Tel. 555—21

Peter Young, M.D.

722 Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington, DC

Name: Mrs Emily Tompson, age 51

Address: 90310 Broad Street, Washington, DC

Rx: Theophylline 2 gm

Ephedrine sulfate 0.6 gm

Phenobarbital 0.6 gm

M.Divide into 30 capsules

Sig. Cap. i. of 4 h.p.r.n.

Peter Young, M.D.

IV. Speaking.

Read and translate the following proverb. What is it about? Do you agree with its meaning? Comment your point of view.

Desperate-diseases must have desperate remedies.

33. Medication Summary Structure.

Структура анотації до лікарського препарату.

I. Vocabulary

1. Read and learn the topical vocabulary.

precautions – застереження;

pregnancy – вагітність;

for external use only - виключно для зовнішнього застосування;

flammable – легкозаймистий;

interactions with other drugs - взаємодія з іншими ліками;

ingredients – складові;

desirable and undesirable effect - бажана й небажана дія;

properties – властивості;

dosage – дозування;

vial - флакон із сухою речовиною;

per kg of body weight - на 1 кг маси тіла;

administration – застосування;

mode of use - спосіб застосування;

to chew – жувати;

to swallow – ковтати;

intravenounsly (i.v.) - в/венно;

intramusculary (i.m.) - в/м'язово;

to shake – струсити;

orally - для внутрішнього вживання;

topically - для місцевого застосування;

should be taken - потрібно приймати;

Keep drugs out of reach of children. - Зберігайте в недоступному для дітей місці;

warnings – застереження;

storage condition - умови зберігання;

Keep the bottle tightly closed. - Тримайте флакон щільно закритим;

in a cold dry place - в прохолодному сухому місці;

away from direct sunlight - подалі від прямих сонячних променів;

to store – зберігати;

package insert - інструкція по застосуванню;

description – опис;

composition – склад;


solvent розчинник;

ointment – мазь;

indications показання;

relief of pain - зняття болю;

inflammation – запалення;

reduction –зниження;

reduces fever - зменшує лихоманку;

laxative – проносне;

sedative – заспокійливе;

side effects - побічні явища;

stomach pain - біль у шлунку;

bleeding – кровотеча;

skin irritation - подразнення шкіри;

constipation – закреп;

tumour – пухлина;

rash – висип;

intolerance – несприйнятливість;

hypertensive - гіпертензивний.

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