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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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2. Summarize what you've learnt about the American system of education.

3. Continue the sentences from the text.

a) The typical school day starts ... b) Lessons are ... c) In the United States education... d) In Public Schools the curriculum ... e) In most American schools ... f) The most common system of education ... g) In most American schools tele­vision ... h) All American children receive ...

4. Comment the following quotations.

٧ Experience is the best teacher.

٧ One is never too old to learn.

٧ The roots of education are hitter, but the fruit is sweet. (Aristotle)

٧ Experience is the mother of wisdom.

٧ Future is purchased by the present. (Samuel Johnson)

IV тема: Психічне і

фізичне здоров’я.

IV тема: Психічне і фізичне здоров’я.

10. Diseases


I. Active vocabulary.

a germ – мікроб;

a disease – захворювання;

bacteria – бактерії;

virus – вірус;

a cell – клітина;

a living organism – живий організм;

an antibody – антитіло;

a microscope – мікроскоп;

to cause – спричинювати;

to fight germs - боротися з мікробами;

warmth тепло;

food їжа;

to protect = to defend захищати;

a body тіло, організм;

to enter входити;

a chemical хімічна речовина;

blood кров.

II. Lead in. Work with the text.

1. Відповісти на питання.

  1. Give reasons for becoming sick. How may some diseases be spread?

  2. What diseases have you had?

  3. How does your body protect you from diseases?

2. Match the definition with words.

a) Virus

____the simplest and smallest forms of plant life

b) Bacteria

____the act of protecting somebody/something

from an attack

c) Vaccine

____a substance that the body produces in the

blood to fight diseases

d) Defense

____a living thing, too small to be seen with­ out a microscope; causes infectious diseases

e) An antibody

____a substance that is put into lood and pro­tects the body from diseases

3. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences with equivalents from the text.

  1. They are too little to observe them.

  2. You listen to music in the evening.

  3. It can defend your body.

  4. Doing exercises is necessary for everybody.

  5. Fire ruins and destroys the whole house.

  6. The aim of this course-paper is to analyse the book.

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