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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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X. Translate the dialogues into English:

  • Що з Вашою дитиною? Вона захворіла?

  • Боюсь, що так. їй поміряли температуру в школі і відіслали додому.

  • Вона скаржиться на що-небудь?

  • Так, вона каже, що в неї болить горло.

  • О, вона швидко одужає. Ці ліки допоможуть їй за два-три дні.


  • На що Ви скаржитесь?

  • Мабуть, я дуже перевтомився останнім часом і зараз страждаю від головного болю.

Крім того, я дуже погано сплю.

  • А Ви міряли температуру?

  • Так, вона нормальна.

  • Дозвольте Вас оглянути. Вам потрібно побути вдома. Я дам Вам листок непрацездатності на три дні і пропишу ліки. Ось, будь ласка.

XI. Ask questions on the text and retell it:

My mother suddenly fell ill (was suddenly taken ill). She was feverish and felt very bad.

She had a splitting headache and a terrible cough. We telephoned for doctor Ivanenko, our district doctor. Doc­tor came, took her coat off and put on the white gown which she kept in her bag. The doctor asked mother to strip to the waist, examined her, felt her pulse, took her temperature, and measured her blood pressure.

The doctor said it might be pneumonia and told mother she must go to the hospital for an examination. But mother wouldn't hear of it. So doctor Ivanenko prescribed her some injections, a gargle, a cough-mixture, tablets, mustard plasters and a hot-water bottle at her feet.

Next doctor Ivanenko wrote a note for an X-ray and blood examination. The doctor put down everything she found in my mother's patient's file.

The prescription which the doctor left was made up at the chemist's (at a chemist's shop).

We followed the doctor's instructions and in two weeks mother felt much better. I took her to the policlinic for a check-up.

Mother went to doctor Ivanenko's consulting-room while I remained in the waiting-room. Soon mother came out. The doctor said she was on the mend. (She was recover­ing.)

At a hospital


1. Match the illnesses and their symptoms.


2. mumps

3. rheumatism

4. pneumonia

5. chickenpox

a. swollen glands in front of ear

b. swollen, painful joints

c. rash starting on body, fever

d. headache, aching muscles

e. dry cough, chest pain

2. Read and give Ukrainian translations of the following words/word combinations.

Sick-leave; examination; recovery; headache; to sneeze; consulting-room; to have a bad cough; to consult a doctor; to see one's tongue; to take one's tempera­ture; to have a pain in the chest; to feel one's pulse; to die of TB; to suffer from sleeplessness; to be treated for pneumonia; to take pills for a headache; to be ner­vous; curable disease; to make up a prescription.

3. Find Ukrainian translations of the English terms.

- sore throat

- infected tonsils

- scheduling

- to remove

- to reassure

Видалити, запалені мигдалини, хворе горло, планування, заспокоювати

4. Match the following English words and their Ukrainian equivalents

1. contagious

2. cough

3. scald

4. indigestion

5. cold

6. influenza

7. scarlet

8. sore throat

9. measles

10. bum

11. dislocation

12. whooping-cough

13. mumps


b.розлад шлунку


d. забій




i.хворе горло





5. Study the words in groups and guess the meaning of the words.


Pain refers to suffering of mind or body. It is sharp and sudden. Ache is generally used only in physical sense. It means a continuous pain. To ache means to suffer a continuous dull pain. To hurt means to cause pain or damage. Example: I feel pain in swallowing. Your laziness pains your parents. People who have rheumatism feel an ache in the bones when the weather is bad.


Illness is the state of being ill.

Disease refers to a particular kind of illness with special symptoms and a name.

Example: His illness prevented him from taking his examinations together ■-.ith his group.

The grippe, scarlet fever and measles are diseases.


To cure means to restore to health.

To heal means to repair by natural processes; to treat (a wound, etc.) by assist­ing in its natural repair.

To treat means to take care of with medicines.

Example: Stomachache, sleeplessness, headaches, etc. may be cured.

Broken bones, cuts, scratches, etc. are healed.

A person must be treated in order to be cured.

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