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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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Colon, acute, intestine, lining, bleeding, neutralizing, inflammation, ab­dominal

  1. A person with gastritis may suffer from loss of appetite, pain, nau­sea, vomiting, and _________ from the stomach.

  2. Antacids help by _________ the acid.

  3. Gastritis is an __________ of the stomach.

4. _________ gastritis may be caused by a chemical or acid injury to the stomach lining.

  1. Pernicious anemia causes atrophy of the stomach _________.

  2. Colitis is a disease involving inflammation of the _________ or oth­er parts of the large intestine.

  3. Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin mem­brane that lines

the _________ cavity.

  1. Dysentery is a disease involving inflammation of the lining of the _________ large.

ІІ. Fill in prepositions. One preposition should be used twice.

away, through, to, in, by, at, of, from

1. The inside of the stomach and duodenum are remarkably resistant ... injury from the acid and digestive enzymes.

2. Pernicious anemia causes wasting ... of the stomach lining.

3. Acute gastritis often occurs because ... excessive intake of alco­holic beverages or aspirin.

4. Hydrochloric acid and other digestive juices can eat ... the tissues that form the lining of the stomach.

5. Normally, the body replaces the tissues ... about the same rate that they wear … .

6. Inflammatory colitis usually occurs ... people from 20 to 40 years old.

7. Amebic colitis results ... consuming food or water contaminated by a certain type of parasitic ameba.

8. Mucous colitis is caused ... spasms of the muscles in the wall of the colon.

ІІІ. Replace the underlined words with their synonyms from the list.

Decreases, strain, drinks, restraining, infected, ease, destroy, insuscep­tible, immoderate, restore, interior

  1. Acute gastritis often occurs because of excessive intake of alco­holic beverages or aspirin.

  2. Controlling emotional stress also lessens the chances of developing a duodenal ulcer.

  3. Medications, such as histamine Н-2-receptor antagonists, relieve peptic ulcers.

  4. In some cases, the tissues erode faster than the body can replace them.

  5. The inside of the stomach and duodenum are remarkably resistant to injury from the acid and digestive enzymes they contain.

  6. Nervous tension may make colitis worse.

  7. Amebic colitis results from consuming food or water contaminated by a certain type of parasitic ameba.

IV. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. The inside of the stomach and duodenum have little resistance to injury from the acid and digestive enzymes they contain.

  1. Gastritis may be either acute or chronic.

  1. Patients with chronic gastritis are treated with an antidote or by cleansing the stomach.

  1. Stomach surgery may lead to chronic gastritis.

  2. Alcohol can damage the stomach lining and cause gastric ulcers.

  1. Amebic colitis is caused by spasms of the muscles in the wall of the colon.

7. Dysentery produces abdominal pain and diarrhea.

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