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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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17. My College of Medicine Мій медичний коледж

I. Vocabulary.

pharmaceutical faculty – фармацевтичний факультет;

morning exercises – ранкова гімнастика;

cold shower – холодний душ;

chemistry – хімія;

physiology – фізіологія;

botany – ботаніка;

pharmacology – фармакологія;

toxicology – токсикологія.

II. Read and translate the text

I am a student of the National Medical University. I study at the pharmaceutical faculty. My everyday activities are quite routine. They are like those of any other student of our country.

On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins. I'm not an early bird, that's why it's very difficult for me to get up, especially in winter. I switch on my tape recorder and do my morning exercises. Then I take a cold shower, brush my teeth, wash, dress, and have breakfast. Exercises and cold shower in the morning help me keep fit, so they are a very' important part of my daily routine and I try to do these procedures regularly. As a future pharmacist I believe that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment".

I leave home at about 8 o'clock and go to the university. It takes me about forty minutes to get there. We study five days a week and usually have three or f6ur lectures a day.

During the first two years we study general sciences, such as chem­istry, physiology, botany, English, Ukrainian, Latin, etc. During the next three years pharmaceutical students study special subjects, like pharmacy, pharmacology, toxicology and other.

The sciences we study are difficult, but good knowledge of them is necessary for my future profession. So it takes me much time and ef­fort to do all my homework and prepare for the next day at the uni­versity when I come home in the evening. I usually sit up late and as a rule haven't got much free time on weekdays. But when I'm not very busy I like reading, meeting friends and watching TV.

I'm a very busy person and have to work hard every day, but still I always look forward to my next working day because I like my studies at the university and 1 get a lot of useful knowledge and necessary experience here to become a good pharmacist and help sick people.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. Where do you study?

2. When do you get up on weekdays?

3. Is it easy for you to get up early!

4. What do you do in the morning?

5. What time do you usually leave home?

6. How lung does it lake yon to get to the university?

7. How many lectures a day do you usually have?...

8. What do you do when you come home from the university?

9. What do you like doing in your free time?

IV. Vocabulary.

Nursing Affair – сестринська справа;

medical nurse – медична сестра;

health – здоров'я;

Curative Affair – лікувальна справа;

Graduates – випускники;

Obstetrician Affair – акушерська справа;

pregnant women – вагітна жінка;

Stomatology – стоматологія;

Medical-prophylactic affair – медико-профілактична справа;

Orthopedic stomatology – ортопедична стоматологія;

crowns – коронки.

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