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VII. Prove that proverbs (sayings) have sense:

1. Business before pleasure.

2. The work shows the workman.

3. Idleness is the mother of all evil.

4. Practice makes perfect.

5. A bad shearer never had a good sickle. (A bad workman quarrels with his tools).

6. Jack of all trades is master of none.

7. The hardest work is to do nothing.

8. Ninety per cent of inspiration is perspiration.

9. Through hardship to stare.

10. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

11. He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.

12. He that will not work shall not eat.

13. He’ll eat till he sweats and work till he freezes.

14. Doing is better than saying.

15. Make the best of a bed job.

16. By doing nothing we learn to be ill.

17. A beggar can never be bankrupt.

18. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

19. An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.

VIII. What would be an ideal job for you? What would you like tj have or do in your ideal job? For example:

—travel overseas;

—good pay;

—help others.

Make a list and then discuss your list with others in your class.

IX. Work in pairs.

а) Imagine you are speaking with a person who works in the field which you may choose as your future career, for example, a translator, an account executive, an assistant editor, a librarian, etc. You can ask your partner:

• whether his/her job requires a lot of skills (knowledge, education, practice);

• where she/he has acquired the necessary skills (knowledge, education, practice);

• what she/he can advise you to do to become better acquainted with this trade or profession.

b) Think of other questions for further details. Your partner answers your questions mentioning the advantages and disadvantages of his/her job.

c) Act out a conversation.

X. Speak about the career you would like to follow. Say:

• what you know about it;

• what qualifications you will need;

• why it attracts you;

• why you think kind of career will suit you.

III тема: Основи міжкультурної комунікації

(регіональні, соціальні, культурні особливості

України та країни, мова якої вивчається.)

III тема: Основи міжкультурної комунікації

(регіональні, соціальні, культурні особливості

України та країни, мова якої вивчається.)

7. Writing letters

Написання листів

I. Vocabulary

1. Think of different types of letters, letter writing rules, words used to write each type of letters. Be ready to tell about it.





2. Read the information about letters.

Letters can be formal or informal. There are quite a few types of letters such as: letters of invitation, letters accepting or refusing invitations, letters asking for or giving further information, applications, letters of complaint, letters of apology, letters giving or asking for directions, letters asking for advice, letters to a friend about the latest news, letters expressing thanks/regrets/congratulations, etc.

Before we start writing a letter it is important to think about who we are writing to. If we use the wrong style, the letter will look odd, silly or impolite. For example, if we write to a company and use informal language, the letter will look impolite. In the same way, if we write to a friend and use formal language, the letter will look odd.

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