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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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III. Post-reading activites.

1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is the function of the respiratory system?

  2. Why is oxygen required by cells in the body?

  3. How can we define the respiratory system?

  4. What is external respiration?

  5. Can you describe internal respiration?

  6. What is the way of air after it enters the body through the nose?

  7. What is the other name of the larynx?

  8. Where does the exchange of gases take place?

  9. What is the difference between the two lobes of lungs?

  1. What is the pleura?

  2. Describe the process of inspiration and expiration.

2. Fill in the blanks.

  1. Epiglottis prevents ... from entering the trachea.

  2. Bronchi branch into smaller ... known as bronchioles.

  3. Alveoli are surrounded by a network of thin — walled ....

  4. The lungs are large, lobed, paired organs in the ... .

  5. The bottom of the thoracic cavity is formed by the ... .

  6. ... is the mechanics of breathing in and out.

a) chest, b) capillaries, c) food, d) diaphragm, e) tubes, f) ventilation

3. Enumerate the main stages of the breathing process.

4. Match the anatomical terms and their definitions.

  1. Lymph tissue at the top of the throat. When they enlarge and interfere with breathing, they may be removed.

  2. Lymph nodes in the wall of the throat (pharynx) that often become infected. They are part of the germ-fighting system of the body.

  3. A flap of tissue that guards the entrance to the windpipe (trachea), closing when anything is swallowed that should go into the esophagus and stomach.

  4. The voice box. It is the place where moving air being breathed in and out creates voice sounds.

  5. The passage leading from the throat (pharynx) to the lungs.

  6. The two membranes, actually one continuous one folded on itself, that sur­round each lobe of the lungs and separate the lungs from the chest wall.

  7. The smallest subdivisions of the bronchial tubes, at the end of which are the air sacs or alveoli.

  8. Very small air sacs that are the destination of air breathed in.

a) epiglottis, b) trachea, c) pleura, d) bronchioles,

e) tonsils, f) alveoli, g) adenoid, h) larynx

5. Read and discuss the information obtained.

Smoking can damage your lungs and here's how: when a person breathes in cigarette smoke, he or she breathes in hundreds of chemicals including tar, nicotine, hydrogen cyanide, and arsenic. Tar will remain inside the air ways and paralyze the millions of tiny hairs (Cilia) that line your lungs and sweep out any dirt and germs that you breathe in. A single cigarette can stop cilia from moving for 20 minutes or more.

Problem questions.

  1. What do you think of people who smoke?

  2. Do you consider it cool or simply a bad habit?

  3. Has the attitude to smoking changed in our country over the past few years? What has changed?

  4. Why do you think the number of smokers is increasing?

  5. Is it possible to change the situation about smoking? How?

IV. Speaking.

Make a dialogue between a pulmonologist and a patient. Here is vocabu­lary for you to speak about respiratory system problems.


Are you short of breath?

Have you noticed any wheezing

when you breathe?

Do you cough up any sputum/


What colour is it?

Have you coughed up any clots of



Could you please strip to your waist? Fd like to exam your chest and lungs. I would like to listen to the sounds in your chest; sorry if the stethoscope is a bit cold.

Now breathe through your mouth.

Take a deep breath, hold your breath for a

few seconds and let out the air again.

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