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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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36. Prominent chemists, pharmacists and doctors.

Видатні хіміки, фармацевти і лікарі.

I. Vocabulary

1. You call a person a:

scientist when he (she) is an expert in one of the natural or physical sciences;

lecturer when he (she) gives a lecture (course) being a person lower in rank than a professor;

professor when he (she) is a university teacher at the highest level;

physician when he (she) is a doctor of medicine and surgery;

surgeon when he (she) performs medical operations;

genius when he (she) has exceptional intelligence;

researcher when he (she) is engaged in investigation.

2. Complete the following list with the names of specialists in particular fields.

Science scientist






3. Learn the adjectives used to describe great scientists.

He is said to be a brilliant scientist (very clever).

Pyrohov was rather a successful surgeon (gaining of what he was aimed at).

M. Zabolotny was a courageous scientist (able to control fear in the face of danger of cholera vaccine).

H. Boerhaave was an excellent researcher (of the highest quality).

4. Study the table.






take courage

success courage

successful courageous

successfully courageously

5. Organize the words below to form word combinations.

  1. field 1. infection

  2. human 2. book

  3. world 3. surgery

  4. wound 4. anatomy

  5. reference 5. science

6. Match the words and their translations.

ingenious учень, послідовник

supervisor злоякісний

fame використовувати

tempestuous вистачати

to suffice підвал, сховище

disciple винахідливий

malign слава

vault бурхливий

to apply наглядач, інспектор

ІІ. Reading

  1. Answer the questions.

  • Have you ever heard about Mykola Pyrohov, Danylo Zabolotny, Alexander Fleming, Oleksandr Bohomolets, Herman Boerhaave?

  • What do you know about these people?

  • Is it necessary to know more about the life and work of such prominent scientists? Why?

2. Skim through the text "m.I. Pyrohov" and define its main idea.

3. Read the text and underline any words that you still do not know. Consult the dictionary.


Mykola Pyrohov was called a scientist of genius even in his lifetime. His ca­reer as a researcher, excellent surgeon and clinician was tempestuous. At 18, he graduated from Moscow-University; at 22, he became a Doctor of Science; at 26, he was a Professor at Derpt (now Tartu) University, one of the largest in Europe, and at 30 he headed Russian first field surgery clinic. During his first 30 or 50 years in surgery, he started a new trend in the study of human anatomy and physiology based on fundamentally novel methods.

His major research contributed to world science. So this day, Pyrohov's methods are among the basic methods in the study and teach­ing anatomy. Pyrohov's life was dedicated to people, He was a field surgeon during four wars (in the Caucasus in 1817, in the Crimea in 1854, in the Franco-Prussian war in 1870, and in the Russian-Turkish war in 1877), selfiessly saving the lives of the wounded in the most difficult conditions.

He in first created a new medical science, field surgery, and suggested new, rational principles for the grouping, distribution and evacuation of the wounded. His work, Fundamentals of Field Surgery (1864), had soon become a reference book for field surgeons in all countries.

He formulated some of the most important principles of treating gunshot wounds, fractures, shock, and wound infections and developed the most ingenious methods of performing operation. He was also the first to apply, on a large scale, plaster of Paris bandages in field conditions(in Sevastopol, during the Crimean War), which was a revolution in field surgery. Almost 90 years later, during the Great Patriotic War the Pyrohov plaster of Paris was still widely used during the heroic defence of Sevastopol, and on all other fronts, helping save the lives of many thousands of soldiers.

Pyrohov bought Vishnia in 1859, when he was the supervisor of the Kyiv edu­cational district, and spent the last 20 years of his life in the estate. In late Novem­ber 1881 Russia celebrated the 50th anniversary of his career as doctor. Although his attitude towards this, festive occasion was sharply negative, he could hot decline his native Moscow's invitation.

"Moscow which has always been jealous of its great son's fame did not want to concede the honour of the celebrating famous Pyrohov to any other city; he be­longed to it by virtue of his great and powerful spirit which was the expression of his truly Russian nature...", wrote Nikolai Sklifosovsky twenty years later. All the weight of fame fell upon him in Moscow; suffice it to say that Ilya Repin painted his portrait and sculpted his bust. Nothing seemed to forebode the approaching end...

Death, to which Pyrohov denied its victims all his life, settled accounts with the great physician quickly and harshly: shortly before his 70th anniversary he lost one of his teeth. A small sore appeared in its place. Completely ignored at first, it was inspected by Pyrohov's disciple Sclifosovsky in May 1861 when the surgeon, stayed in his native Moscow; having suspected a malign tumour at an early stage, he suggested removing it. But the famous Vienna surgeon (who, incidentally, per­formed an unsuccessful operation on Nekrasov several years earlier) guaranteed that there were no signs of cancer. Afterwards he admitted in a letter to professor Vykhotsev that he had lied, for the patient's benefit because in his opinion Pyro-hov's case, was inoperable.

In September 1947 Pyrohov's estate and the Church with the vault became a museum.

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