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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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4. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is the main ingredient of DIC (diclofenac)?

  2. Give the description of DIC (diclofenac).

  3. Say anything you know about the indications of DIC (diclofenac).

  4. Comment upon the contraindications of the medicine under review.

  5. By what route is DIC (diclofenac) administered?

  6. Is this drug recommended for those who have blood coagulation disorders? Is there any more precautions?

  7. Is DIC (diclofenac) safe in pregnancy and lactation?

Text 2



Panadol Extra Soluble contains an additional ingredient to provide extra relief from pain and is based on paracetamol which is gentle on the stomach. This special Panadol Extra Soluble tablets formulation is absorbed into the bloodstream faster than conventional tablets to provide fast and effective pain relief.

Each effervescent tablet contains Paracetamol Ph.Eur. 500 mg and Caffeine Ph.Eur. 65 mg.


Panadol Extra Soluble is suitable for headache, migraine, backache, rheumatic and muscle pains, neuralgia, toothache and period pains. Panadol Extra Soluble also relieves discomfort in colds, influenza, sore throats and helps to reduce tempe­rature. Panadol Extra Soluble contains no aspirin.


Adults: 2 tablets dissolved in at least half a tumblerful of water up to 4 times daily.

  1. Dose should not be repeated more frequently than every four hours.

  2. No more than eight tablets should be given in 24 hours.

c) Panadol Extra Soluble should only be given to children under 12 years of age on medical advice.

Cautionary notes

Do not exceed the stated dose. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor. Avoid drinking too much tea or coffee while taking this product. For professional advice on medicines consult your pharmacist.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Store below 30°C.

Answer the following questions.

  1. What do Panadol Extra Soluble Tablets provide?

  2. What is the difference between Panadol Extra Soluble Tablets and conven­tional tablets?

  3. What do you know about the ingredients of this medicine?

  4. What are the indications of Panadol Extra Soluble Tablets?

  5. What is the dose for adults?

  6. Can we give Panadol Extra Soluble to children?

  7. What should you do if the symptoms persist?

IX. Історія розвитку медицина та

фармації в Європі та Україні.

IX. Історія розвитку медицина та

фармації в Європі та Україні.

34. Development of Pharmacy and Medicine in Europe.

Розвиток фармації і медицини в Європі.

I. Vocabulary

1. Learn the topical vocabulary.

Holy Rome Святий Рим;

materia medica (лат.) медичні науки;

adulterated drugs лікарськи (речовини) з домішками;

dispensing assistant рецептар;

who were recruited from apothecaries котрі набиралися з аптекарів;

unlike the apothecaries' shops, the chemists' shops enjoyed protectionна відміну від старих аптек, аптеки, що відкриті коледжем лікарів, були під захистом;

decree of Peter I наказ Петра I;

hospital chemist's аптеки в лікарнях;

private chemist's приватні аптеки.

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