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V тема: Вступ до спеціальності. Навчальний заклад.

V тема: Вступ до спеціальності. Навчальний заклад.

16. My Future Profession

Моя майбутня професія

I. Active Vocabulary.

pharmacist - аптекар, фармацевт;

pharmaceutist - фармацевт, провізор;

to be responsible (for) - нести відповідальність;

protection захист;

health - здоров'я;

to require - мати потребу, потребувати;

composition склад;

to prepare - готувати, приготовляти;

preparation - готування, приготовляти;

to master удосконалювати;

human - людський;

origin походження;

range ряд;

to test контролювати;

quality якість;

qualitative якісний;

technology of drugs - технологія ліків;

organization and economy - організація та економіка;

of pharmacy фармації;

preventive профілактичний;

curative (medicine) - лікувальна (медицина);

dosage дозування;

formulation - технологія приготування ліків;

activity активність;

to compound виготувати;

to dispense фасувати;

prescription рецепт;

prescription department - рецептурний відділ;

chemist department - відділ готових лік, форм;

dispensing pharmacist рецептар;

manager - завідуючий аптекою;

legal expert - судово-медичний експерт;

powder порошок;

pill пілюля;

mixture мікстура, суміш;

ointment мазь;

tincture настоянка;

decoction – відвар;

drops - краплі;

things for medical care - речі медичного догляду;

cups банки;

hot-water bottle грілка;

bandage - бинт;

cotton вата.

II.Перекладіть на українську мову словосполучення:

Health protection; property of a substance; chemical composition; to get acquainted with a sabject; medicinal preparation; to master the methods; chemical anaiysis; the examination of drugs; microbic origin; in the range of special subjects; drug quality; to test a drug; preventive medicine; curative medicine; drug action; professional competence; medical practitioner; therapeutic-activity; to receive an education; to compound prescriptions.

III. . Read and translate the text My future specialiti

To be a good pharmacist in future means to stude well in the institute.We can’t be bad pharmacists as well be responsible for the protection of people’s health. Deep knowledge and all our abilities are required for our future work. This aim can be achieved, but we should know a lot of subjects.

Pharmaceutical students master in theoretical subjects such as physics, general chemistry, botany, physiology,etc. From the third year they have classes in the following special

subjects:pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, etc. At the laboratories they study physicochemical properties of medicinal substances, methods and technology of their preparation, carry out quantitative and qualitative analyses.

During the period of studies students have practice in chemist’s shops, where they get acquainted with the equipment of the chemist’s and the work of pharmacists in general.

A chemist’s shop is a specialized shop where drugs are compounded, dispensed, stored and sold.An average chemist’s has a hall for visitors, departments for selling drugs and proper working rooms.

The department for reception of prescriptions and delivery of drugs is called a prescription department. At this department medicines are sold or made according to prescriptions. There you may buy powders and pills, mixtures and ointments, tinctures and decoctions, as well as drops, suppositories, etc.

At the chemist department one can see ready-made drugs , different things for medical care(thermometers, cups, hot-water bottles, bandages, cotton and gauze) and medicinal herbs.

At the chemist’s al l medicines are kept in drug cabinets, open shelves or refrigerators. Poisonous and strong-effective drugs are kept in drug cabinets with letters A and B respectively.

After graduating from the pharmacy higher educational school the future specialists can work as managers, assistants, dispensing pharmacists or chemist-analysts in a chemist’s.Working there they must see that medicinal preparations are in good from and ready for use.The pharmacists must also control laboratory reagents.

Graduates can also work in scientific research institutes, pharmaceutical plants, chemistry laboratories. They can become legal expert too and ascertain cases of poisoning people. To be a pharmacist is a very interesting and useful speciality.

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