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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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IV. Language development.

1. Fill in the gaps with words and word combinations from the list, microorganisms, invade, take over, ranging, rank, one-celled, boils, breaking down, contagious, aids

  1. Many kinds of bacteria, viruses, and other can invade the human body and cause disease.

  2. Pathogens some of the body's cells and tissues and use them for their own growth and


3. They among the most widespread of all living things.

4. Bacteria are microscopic, organisms and carbuncles result from the multiplication of

bacteria in the skin.

5. These pathogens obtain food by body tissues or by absorbing digested food from the


  1. Occasionally, an infectious disease becomes highly and sweeps through a community.

  2. The virus that causes destroys the immune system's ability to function properly.

  3. Fungi, protozoans, and worms produce diseases from minor skin infections to life-threatening internal disorders.

  4. Bacterial pneumonia occurs when bacteria the lungs and multiply there.

2. Fill in the correct prepositions. Use one of them twice, from, at, throughout, by, for, to, in

  1. Many serious diseases, including tuberculosis, result... bacterial multiplication.

  2. Most infectious diseases are communicable - that is, they can spread from person... person.

  3. Some infectious diseases are always present... a particular geographic region.

  4. Viruses can be seen only... means of powerful electron microscopes.

  5. Many people with AIDS die ... illnesses that do not normally occur or that normally are not serious.

  6. Viruses are also responsible ... influenza and the common cold.

  7. When an epidemic occurs ... several places throughout the world at the same time, it is called a pandemic.

  8. Malaria is endemic ... much of Africa.

3. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are pathogens?

  2. How can infectious diseases be grouped?

  3. What organisms are called bacteria?

  4. What diseases are caused by viruses?

  5. What do you know about AIDS?

  6. How do fungi, protozoans, and worms obtain food?

  7. How do infectious diseases spread?

  8. What conditions are called an epidemic, a pandemic, an endemic?

V. Speaking.

1. Complete the dialogue with the words/phrases below and act it out.

kilos, food, in general, phlegm, energy, pains

Doctor: And how long have you had this temperature?

Patient: Oh, I don't know exactly. About two weeks on and off.

D.: And is the temperature there all the time or does it come on at any particular time?

P.: Well, sometimes I'm all right during the day but, I wake up at night and I'm drenched in

sweat, drenched, and sometimes my whole body shakes.

D.: And how have you been feeling ?

P.: Well, I don't know, I've been feeling a bit tired and weak. And I just don't seem to have any . D.: And have you noticed any pain in your muscles?

P.: Yes, well, actually I have a bit, yes.

D.: And what about yotir weight? Have you lost any weight? P.: Yes, I have, about two .

D.: I see, and what about your appetite? What's your appetite been like?

P.: Well, I've really been off my this last while. I just haven't felt like eating.

D.: And have you had a cough at all?

P.: Oh yes, I have. Nearly all the time. I sometimes bring up a lot of

D.: And have you noticed any blood in it ?

P.: No, never.

D.: Have you had any in your chest?

P.: Not really.

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