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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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II. Work with a partner. Here are his answers. Ask him the questions.

Attending doctor: This patient is doing well with the treatment of heart failure but I want your idea on how to treat his hypertension. Head of the department: ---------------------

A.: He is 53. Six years ago he consulted a physician because of morn­ing headaches. Hypertension was found, and small doses of Phenobarbital were prescribed.

H: ---------------------

A.: No, there's no cardiovascular disease in the family. The heart failure has been corrected but the blood pressure stays round 180/110 mm Hg.

H: ---------------------

III. Speak on the following items:

  • drugs which prevent blood clotting;

  • drugs which are used to correct an abnormal heart rhythm;

  • drugs which increase the amount of urine excreted by reducing the volume of blood and lowering heart pressure;

  • drugs which increase the size of blood vessels by relaxing the mus­cles of the vessel walls.

54. Violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Порушення роботи шкт.

  1. Знання будови, функцій та лікування захворювань основних систем людського організму;

  2. Засвоєння найуживаніших висловів зі сфери лікування та профілактики хвороб;

  3. Вміння робити власні висновки.


І. Read the words, then match them with their prefixes from the list below:

  1. secondary or less important sub-;

  2. too much over-.

Overpopulation, sub-agent, overcook, sub-class, overweight, subdivi­sion, over-anxious, sub-branch, overdose, sub-paragraph, overeat, sub-heading, overestimate, substructure, overgrowth, subsystem, over­react, sub-species, oversize, subtype, over-worried, sub-group.

ІІ. Learn the following words.

hollow – порожнистий;

particle – частинка;

tumor – пухлина;

lye – луг;

ulcer – виразка;

pernicious – згубний, злоякісний;

adjacent – прилеглий;

sore - рана, виразка;

consumption – споживання;

amebic – амебний.

ІІІ. Guess the meaning of the following words.

Muscular, esophagus, secrete, enzyme, duodenum, neutralize, absorb, resistant, obstruct, iodine, cancer, anemia, atrophy, deficiency, ero­sion, associate

IV. Match the words with the definitions.

1. tumor

a. a mass of diseased cells in your body that have di­vided and increased too quickly

2. hollow

b. a sore area on your skin or inside your body that may bleed or produce poisonous substances

3. adjacent

c. very harmful or evil, often in a way that you do not notice easily

4. ulcer

d. having an empty space inside

5. particle

e. next to something

6. consumption

f. a painful, often red, place on your body caused by a wound or infection

7. lye

g. the amount of energy, oil, electricity etc. that is used

8. pernicious

h. alkaline solution

9. sore

i. a very small piece of something

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