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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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1. Fill in the gaps with words and word combinations from the list.

react, brand name, magnesium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate, Helicobacter pylori, antacids

1. _________, produced in the stomach, is important for digestion.

2. help relieve or prevent pain associated with peptic ulcers by neutralizing this acid.

3. Antacids with acids to form more neutral compounds that do not irritate peptic ulcers.

4. Commonly used antacids include such products as Maalox and Mylanta.

5. Antacids that contain can cause diarrhea, while those with ________ can cause constipation.

6. Extensive use of antacids that contain can cause too

much calcium to accumulate in the body.

7. Antibiotics are being increasingly used when the bacterium __________ is the major underlying cause of ulcers.

II. Fill in the prepositions from the list. One preposition should be used twice.

without, to, by, in

  1. ... relieving irritation, antacids also can help promote healing of the ulcers.

  2. These drugs cause few serious side effects, so they are now avail­able ... a prescription.

  3. Omeprazole and lansoprazole promote healing ... a greater percent­age of people ... a shorter period of time than H-2 antagonists do.

  4. Hydrochloric acid, produced in the stomach, is important ... di­gestion.

III. Match each word from column a with its opposite from column b.



1. important

a. to disapprove

2. to relieve

b. to hinder

3. to prevent

c. rarely

4. to promote

d. to permit

5. commonly

e. to diffuse

6. to recommend

f. to aggravate

7. to accumulate

g. minor

8. to inhibit

h. to enable

IV. Answer the following questions.

1. When can hydrochloric acid cause pain in the stomach?

2. How do antacids help relieve or prevent pain associated with pep­tic ulcers?

  1. What do antacids contain?

  2. Is a doctor's prescription necessary to purchase antacids? Why?

  3. What problems may result from the long-term use of antacids?

  4. How can H-2 antagonists promote ulcer healing?

  5. What drugs can completely inhibit acid secretion?

  6. When are antibiotics prescribed?

V. Correct the statements below.

  1. People take antibiotics to stop the pain of heartburn and indiges­tion.

  2. Antacid products irritate peptic ulcers.

  3. Antacids come in the form of injections.

  4. Turns, another common antacid, contains a compound of calci­um, that's why it is helpful for ulcer treatment.

  5. H-2 antagonists cause many serious side effects.

  6. Omeprazole and lansoprazole are more effective than H-2 antago­nists.

  7. Antibiotics aren't usually prescribed in combination with other drugs.

56. Drugs that overcome infection preventing it.

Препарати, що долають інфекцію попереджаючи її.

  1. Засвоєння базового лексико-граматичного матеріалу з теми;

  2. Комп’ютерний переклад іншомовної інформації. Посткомп’ютерне редагування перекладу;

  3. Обґрунтування доцільності профілактичних заходів щодо низки хвороб.


I. The suffixes in the following list are used to form nouns that refer to an activity, a process, a state or a condition. Look at the list of nouns formed from them. Fill in the noun, verb, or adjective from which they have been formed in the space provided. The first one has been done for you.



Noun formed






















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