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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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VII. Language development.

1. Comprehension. Are the sentences true or false? Correct false statements.

  1. Pneumonia begins suddenly.

  2. Patients with pneumonia have shallow pulse.

  3. Coughing is usually bad in case of pneumonia.

  4. In most cases delirium is observed.

  5. Fresh air is needed for patients with pneumonia.

  6. Influenza can be mild as well as severe.

  7. The patient must be warm and drink hot drinks.

  8. During influenza a person feels depressed

  9. Colds are communicated by movements.

10. The patient can tell people about his/her illness.

2. Answer the questions.

  1. Does the temperature of patients with pneumonia rise? How?

  2. What kind of drug do patients with pneumonia take?

  3. How does the patient feel when having pneumonia?

  4. What do patients with pneumonia need to become healthy?

  5. What is the best position for the patients?

  6. Can a patient with pneumonia eat all food?

  7. What symptoms of influenza do you know?

  8. How long must a patient stay in bed?

  9. How does the patient feel after influenza?

VIII. Speaking.

1. Read all the symptoms below. Group them to different diseases.



Cold Chicken-pox Measles

Fever Pneumonia

Influenza Scarlet fever


Sunshine makes you more sociable, humidity brings on depression, says an expert who tells how climate affects health and moods.

We know that the weather has an effect on certain diseases such as arthritis and heart disorders. Weather is also associated with emotional problems and disturbed behaviour.

Temperature is the most important factor. More psychiatric emergencies and admissions to mental hospitals are noticed during summer. Part of this is because the days are longer in summer and people stay out later. We have found that heat is a most important factor in the increase of emotional problems.

Humidity has much effect on individuals too. More people who are diagnosed as depressed are admitted to mental hospitals on humid days.

Changes in atmospheric pressure play a role in a number of health problems. Barometric pressure tends to have more effect on joints. Lower barometric pressure has been linked with anxiety and restlessness. When the barometric pressure goes up sharply, people have more arthritic symptoms. This is true to a lesser degree when the barometric pressure falls. Extreme temperatures, especially very cold weather, put added strain on the cardiovascular system. Death rates from heart attacks are much higher during the winter months than at any other time. When the temperature is very low, blood rushes away from the skin to the interior, of the body. The heart has to pump harder to keep the body warm. In warm weather, some weather conditions make a person much more susceptible to communicable diseases as malaria. Colds and respiratory illnesses are more. Common in winter because low temperatures weaken the body's resistance to disease.

Interestingly, a recent study from a sleep-research laboratory found that people are sleepier when the barometric pressure is either well above or below normal — but no one knows why.

Translate english into Ukrainian.

  1. Sunshine makes you more sociable.

  2. Climate and temperature are the most important factors.

  3. The days are shorter in winter.

  4. More people are admitted to hospitals on winter days.

  5. Atmospheric pressure plays a most important role in patients with heart diseases.

  1. What affects health most of all?

  2. People have more health problems when the atmospheric pressure goes up sharply.

  3. The lower the temperature, the more common colds.

  4. Ice is lighter than water, water is heavier than ice.

  1. The weaker the organism, the more susceptible it is to diseases.

  2. The longer the days, the later people stay out (doors).

  3. In the past the weather was much warmer and drier than it is now.

  4. Some scientists think that the sun gave less heat, others that it gave more.

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