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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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III. Post-reading activities

1. Answer the following questions.

  1. Can you give the definition of a medicinal plant?

  2. What was the role of plants for early people?

3. What did our ancestors do when they have aches and pains? Give the example from the text.

  1. What active ingredient did the scientists find in willow bark?

  2. From what part of plant are drugs made?

  3. When are the leaves collected?

  4. What is the time of collecting flowers?

  5. When is it recommended to collect fruits?

  6. What are the most preferred parts in medicinal plants?

  1. How should medicinal plant materials be stored? Name the main points.

  2. Do we use plants only for the medicinal uses?

  3. What is the role of plants in medicine nowadays?

2. Complete the sentences with suitable words.

  1. Historically, plants have played an important role in ... .

  2. Over 40 % of medicines now prescribed contain chemicals derived from ...

  3. Throughout the world, botanists and chemists search the plant kingdom for new ....

  4. Today many medicinal plants are ... .

  5. It is very important to collect plants in

  6. Medicinal plant materials should be stored in separate ....

  7. Medicinal plants constitute an important natural wealth of a ... .

a) medicines; b) proper time; c) plants; d) country; e) areas; J) medicine; g) cultivated

3. Translate into English.

  1. Важлива роль у медицині.

  2. Спостереження і експериментування.

  3. Саліцилова кислота.

  4. Ботаніки та хіміки.

  5. Поля та ліси.

  6. Відповідний час.

  7. Вільна циркуляція повітря.

  8. Парфумерія.

  9. Природне багатство.

4. Read the extracts and say, what medicinal plants are described in them.

a) It is hard to believe that the fragrance of this plant comes from tiny flo­wers only 1/4 in long. Waxy white and bell- shaped flowers appear in April and May. It has clear green, broad leaves. This well-known plant grows from a branched horizontal rhizome.

It can be found growing wild and it has been cultivated for more than 500 years. The rhizome, leaves, flowers and fruits (round red berries) are all poisonous. Its aromatic oil is used in skin lotions and perfume. In medicine it is used for the treatment of cardiac diseases.

b) This plant has been spreading round the world via fields of cereals since the Neolithic about 8000 years ago. Pliny the Elder reported the medicinal power of it in the 1st century A.D. He said that the centaur Chiron used this plant to heal the wound on his leg inflicted by Hercules' arrow. It has bright blue flowers. Several hundred seed capsules ripen on a single plant. It is known not only as unwanted weed but also as one of the medicinal herbs of both folk and orthodox medicine. The bright blue flower heads of this plant are diuretic. In France a tincture made from the plant is used in eye treatment.

IV. Speaking.

Read and translate the following proverb. Do you agree with its meaning? Comment your point of view.

The remedy may be worse than the disease.

Notes: remedy — лікування

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