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Medical College National Medical University.docx
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IV. Speaking.

Discuss the following questions.

  1. The mission of a pharmacist is to help patients make the best use of their medications. How can a pharmacist do it in the best way?

  2. Some pharmacists go on to do a pharmacy residency. What are the advan­tages and disadvantages of doing this?

  3. As a pharmacist, what characteristic do you feel will be prominent in your dealing with the patients?

  4. Being a pharmacist means being a lifelong learner. What does the term lifelong learner mean to you?

23. Phytopharmacy.


І. Lead-in

1. Read the words, match them to the prefixes from the list below, translate them:

  1. back re-;

  2. within endo-;

  3. a lack of, into, in in-.

Reactive, endodermal, inborn, readjust, endovascular, realign, invagi­nation, reanimate, endovenous, rebuilt, recapitulate, inward, recover, invertible, recreate, invisible, reconsider, redaction, regroup.

2. Learn the following words:

reason - причина, мета;

constituent - складова частина;

intermediate – середній;

to embrace - обіймати, охоплювати;

substance – речовина;

cellular – клітинний;

pure - чистий;

to arise - виникати, з'являтися;

condition - умова, стан;

inherent - властивий, притаманний.

3. Guess the meaning of the following word combinations.

External factors, ecological and environmental conditions, active compounds, pharmacological properties, biological function, primary plant products, essential principles, pharmacological action.

4. Match the meaning of the word combinations with their translation.

1. medicinal plants

а. клітинна структура

2. pharmacological action

b. основні принципи

3. essential principles

с. медичні рослини

4. biological function

d. фармакологічна дія

5. cellular structure

е. чиста суміш

6. individual plants

f. антагоністичні принципи

7. pure compounds

g. окремі рослини

8. antagonistic principles

h. біологічна функція

5. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. Besides their own essential principles, the so-called primary plant products, plants produce other principles, which apparently do not have any definite biological function.

  2. Medicinal plants are important for many reasons: they provide us with natural drugs, active constituents and intermediates for semi­synthetic drugs.

  3. Their biological function is often discussed but the fact is that many of them have a special importance outside the plant because of their pharmacological action.

  4. This situation may be complicated when there are synergistic or antagonistic principles or substances with other pharmacological effects in the plant at the same time.

  1. Plants that give drugs have both active and inactive substances.

  1. Drugs in general arise from a heterogeneous population of indi­vidual plants living under a variety of conditions.

  2. Inactive substances include cellular structures and pharmacologi­cal inactive compounds.

  3. Nature produces an astonishing variety of complex phytoconstituents which embrace all fields of pharmacological action.

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