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  1. Revise the terminology of the text:

целевая функция, научные методы, сильное стремление, исследование операций, различные области исследования, современная поведенческая психология, основной (фундаментальный) уровень, пропускная способность, максимальные значения, близкий к оптимальному, сложные задачи принятия решений, совершенство организационной структуры.

9. Answer the following questions.

    1. What is Management Science?

    2. What is the way to enact rational management decisions?

    3. What is Operations Research?

    4. What are the areas of study in Management?

    5. What are the three levels of Management Science Research?

    6. What is the management scientist`s mandate?

10. Complete the following sentences using the text.

1. Management Science is devoted to … .

2. MS uses various scientific principles and strategies to enact meaningful management decisions by arriving … .

3. Management Sciences help businesses to achieve … .

4. Management Science is concerned with developing and applying models and concepts tosolve managerial problems, designing better models of … .

5. The fundamental level of Management Science Research lies in … .

6.The modeling level of Management Science Research is connected mainly with … .

7. The application level makes a practical impact on … .

11. Translate the sentences about three levels of Management Science Research into English.

1. Первым уровнем исследования в менеджменте является фундаментальный уровень. 2. Фундаментальный уровень основывается на таких дисциплинах как вероятность, оптимизация и теория динамических систем. 3. Еще одним уровнем исследования является уровень моделирования. 4. Уровень моделирования связан с эконометрикой и статистикой. 5. Уровень применения связан с практическим использованием моделей и методов управления.


12. Talk to your partner. Speak about Management Science as an interdisciplinary branch of applied mathematics.

13. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue about areas of study in Management Science. Try to give as much information about the subject as you can.

14. Tell the class what you know about Management Science.


15. Write a summary of the text. study the information below before doing the task.

1) What is a summary?

A summary is a shorter version of the original. Such a simplification highlights the major points from the much longer subject, such as a text, speech, film, or event. The purpose is to help the audience get the gist in a short period of time.

A written summary starts with a lead, including title, author, text type, and the main idea of the text. It has a clearly arranged structure and is written in a logical, chronological, and traceable manner. A summary contains neither interpretation nor rating. Only the opinion of the original writer is reflected – paraphrased with new words without quotations from the text. A summary is written in present tense or historic present. Because summaries are significantly shorter than the original, minor facts have to be left out. However all major conclusions should remain. In summaries only indirect speech is used and depictions are avoided.