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12. Open the brackets. Use the appropriate forms of the Participle or of the Infinitive

1. He did not wish himself (to criticize). 2. She's been like that ever since she had her youngest (to kill) in Africa. 3. Do you want your things (to move) to room 305? 4. Nobody expected any measures (to take). 5. How can I make myself (to hear) in this uproar? 6. And I want everything (to deliver) at my hotel. 7. Nobody heard the door (to open). 8. When do you want the letters (to type)? 9. I had the dress (to copy) and sent the original back. 10. How could you leave that child (to cry) in the darkness? 11. There were so many people there and nobody saw it (to do). 12. They found him (to wander) in the park. 13. They found the lock (to break) and the man (to go). 14. He ordered the garage door (to lock and to seal). 15. How he got himself (to elect) is a mystery.

13. Supply Infinitives and ing-forms for the following texts


Saturday. It was the day on which he had promised ... his landlady (to pay). He had expected something ... up all through the week (to turn). Yet he had found no work. All he could do now was ... her that he could not pay the bill (to tell). But he hadn't the courage ... the woman (to face). It was the middle of June. The night was warm. He made up his mind ... out (to stay). ... down the Embankment, he kept ... to himself that he had always tried ... what he thought best, but everything had gone wrong (to walk, to say, to do). He was ashamed of ... so many lies to his friends (to tell). It had been absurd ... his pride ... him from ...for assistance (to let, to prevent, to ask). Now his lies made it impossible for him ... to anyone for help (to turn). But it was no good ... about it (to think).


When my sister Anne was six years old, I saved her from ... (to kidnap). At the end of the war there were rumours about strange men who lured little children into quiet places with promises of toys and sweets, persuaded them into ... about their parents and if the parents turned out ... of no further interest to them, they usually left the children ... their way home in tears (to talk, to be, to find). So my parents spent a great deal of time .... Anne about ... to strange men (to warn, to talk). One day, Anne went out ... in the street after tea and could not be found an hour later (to play). We looked through ... streets, but no one had seen her (to surround). My father went off in the car ... forher, and I decided ... in the park (to look, to search). Some boys there told me that they had seen a small girl in a blue dress ... a cricket match, and someone else said that she had been seen ... off with a man who was pushing a bicycle (to watch, to walk). The chances were against this child ... my sister, but I walked off in the direction in which they had been seen ... (to be, to walk). his brought me to a back alley. I called Anne's name, and was surprised ... her voice ... back (to hear, to call).

14. Translate the following using Infinitives or ing-forms

1. Жена фермера приходила каждый день, чтобы убрать комнаты (to clean). 2. Ему посоветовали не рассказывать им историю своей жизни (to advise). 3. Девочке велели разлить в чашки чай (to tell). 4. Слышали, как несколько минут тому назад они спорили на террасе (to hear). 5. Фил сунул деньги в карман, не сосчитав их (count). 6. Полагают, что он глубоко привязан к своей семье (to believe). 7. Было известно, что он пишет книгу о нравах (to know). 8. Через окно можно было видеть, что водитель ждет у машины (to see). 9. Я был слишком возбужден, чтобы есть (to be excited). 10. Сообщили, что он изменил свое решение (to report). 11. Я знал, что он не способен принимать решения (be capable of). 12. Он любил смеяться над теми, кто был робок (be fond of). 13. Ему разрешили оставить у них свою фамилию и адрес (to allow). 14. Симон и Дик остались разговаривать в гостиной (to leave). 15. Он без труда найдет себе работу в Нью-Йорке (no difficulty). 16. Может быть, вам интересно посмотреть, что за человек этот Роберт (be of interest). 17. Нас оставили, чтобы мы посмотрели фильм (to leave). 18. Его не видно целую неделю. Говорят, что он в отпуске, (to say) 19. Ему велели прийти сюда к мистеру Эбботу(to tell). 20. Мы нашли Фокса. Он ожидал нас на террасе (to find). 21. Он наблюдал, как люди торопились к поездам (watch). 22. Я слышал, как он звал нас (hear). 23. Его присутствие было неожиданным, потому что говорили, что он путешествует на востоке (to say).