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VII. Child care.

Q: When do people usually start to have their own children?

I would say, people normally have their own children after they've been married a few years.

So usually... yes, in their late twenties. Then... I find, people are generally starting to have children, I mean, it can vary. I have some friends now, who are starting to have kids in their early twenties, but for the most part it's a little later.

Q: Is there any financial support provided for those, who have babies?

Depending on what your income is you can get different social supports from the government, to apply to different things. Depending which company you work for, it's likely that you'll be able to be given a long maternity leave to have your child, and that would extend on to when your child's young, so that you could take care of it for a long time. When it's young, we don't have to return for work, and beyond that would be something given by your company, but there is also government plans and place to you could apply for certain... day care benefits, things like this.

There are still young mothers and young families, would get a what's called 'a baby bonus'. So it would help you to support a young child, just so that the government, I guess, would help insure, that no child could be left in poverty -would be the goal.


Younger brother – младший брат

Senior sister – старшая сестра

Adult - взрослый

Used to do smth – привык что-либо делать

a) Discuss these questions with a partner.

  1. What kinds of relationships do brothers and sisters have when they are growing up?

  2. Is there anyone in your family you: don’t get on well with; are close to; you fall out with a lot; have a lot in common with?

  3. What difference do you think being an only child makes to you when you are growing up?

  4. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of having brothers and sisters?

5. What is your parents’ role in family life?

6. Do you have a close relationship with your parents?

7. Would you have been able to talk to your parents about your boyfriend/girlfriend and that sorts of things?

8. What is your view on discipline within the family?

9. What do you think about changes in the male-female roles in the family?

10. Are there any changes you would like to see in the attitude to family life in your country?

b) Think of three relationships of your own. They can be real or imaginary, family members, girlfriend/boyfriend, colleagues, or anything else. Think about these things. Discuss your relationships in groups.

How long have you known them?

How often do you see them?

What are they like?

What do they look like?

Do you get on well? Why/ Why not?

Compulsory vocabulary.

Family values - семейные ценности

Parental authority - родительский авторитет

Chastity - целомудрие

To provide shelter - обеспечить жильём

To bring up - воспитывать

Breadwinner / income provider - кормилец

To run the house - вести домашнее хозяйство

Family problems - семейные проблемы

One parent family - семья с одним родителем

Latch key kids - дети предоставленные сами себе (открывающие дверь своим ключом, вернувшись из школы)

Working mother - работающая мать

Domestic duties - домашние обязанности

to employ a nanny - нанять няню

Household -дом (домашний устрой)

Bachelor - холостяк

Unmarried lone mothers – мать-одиночка

Cohabiting couple - совместно проживающая пара

Married couple - женатая пара

live on their own - жить одному

childless - бездетный (ая)

Relationships - отношения

I’m mad /crazy about him. – Я схожу по нему с ума.

He’s the love of my life. - Он – любовь всей моей жизни.

I think the world of him. – Я о нём высокого мнения.

I’m head over heels in love. – Я влюблён по уши.

He is the One. - Он – тот самый, единственный.

We’re going to take the plunge – Мы собираемся пойти на решительный шаг.

Marriage - женитьба, замужество

To get married - жениться, выйти замуж

Meet the man of your dreams - встретить человека своей мечты

Fall in love with - влюбиться в

Love at first sight - любовь с первого взгляда

Romantic gifts - романтические подарки

To adore smb - обожать кого-либо

To ask smb out - предложить встречаться

To be attracted to smb - испытывать влечение к кому-либо

To be jealous - ревновать

To drift apart - отдаляться друг от друга

To get engaged - обручиться

Get on well with - ладить с

Rely on - полагаться на

Argue with - спорить с

Things just aren’t working between us. - Мы перестали ладить друг с другом.

We’re bickering all the time. - Мы всё время ссоримся по пустякам.

I’m sure he’s having an affair. - Я уверена, он с кем-то встречается.

Get divorced from / split up with - развестись с

Social support / organizations - социальная поддержка . организации

Long maternity leave - длительный оплачиваемый отпуск по уходу за ребёнком

Day care benefits - пособие по уходу

A baby bonus - пособие на ребёнка

Registry office - отдел регистрации браков

Council housing - муниципальное жильё

Supplementary vocabulary

Family - семья

Brother/ son- in- law - зять

Daughter-in-law - невестка, сноха

Father-in-law - свёкор, тесть

Mother-in-law - свекровь, тёща

Husband - муж

Wife - жена

Nephew - племянник

Niece - племянница

Relative - родственник

Stepmother - мачеха

Stepfather - отчим

Widow(er) - вдова/ вдовец

Daily routine - ежедневные дела

To be in a hurry - спешить

To brush one’s teeth - чистить зубы

To clear away - убирать (на свои места)

To have one’s hair waved - завивать волосы

To lay the table - накрывать на стол

To receive guests - принимать гостей

To relax - расслабляться, отдыхать

To repair - ремонтировать

To wake up - просыпаться

To wash - мыться

To do the washing (up) - стирать (мыть посуду)

to do the ironing - гладить

To tidy up - убирать

To clean the windows - мыть окна

To do the hovering/ vacuuming - пылесосить

Everyday problems - ежедневные проблемы

A power-cut - отключение электроэнергии

My car won’t start - машина не заводиться

My bathroom is flooded - ванную затопило

The batteries have run out - батарейки сели

The clock is fast/slow - часы спешат/ отстают

The cup is chipped - чашка треснула

The pipe is leaking - труба протекает

The sauce stained my blouse - от соуса осталось пятно на блузке

The washing machine broke down- стиральная машина сломалась

Feelings/emotions - чувства/эмоции

To be afraid of - бояться

To be angry - сердиться

To be ashamed - стыдиться

To be disappointed - чувствовать разочарование

To be in a bad/good mood - быть в плохом/хорошем настроении

To be upset - быть расстроенным

To be/feel bored - скучать

To be/feel depressed - быть подавленным

To be/feel embarrassed - испытывать смущение

To be/feel excited - быть радостным, возбуждённым

To be/feel helpless - быть/ чувствовать себя беспомощным

To be/feel hurt - обидеться

To be/feel nervous - нервничать

To be/feel proud - гордиться

To be/feel thrilled - испытывать бурную радость, восторг

To feel blue - грустить (разг)

To feel confused - смутиться, запутаться

To feel frustrated - быть разочарованным, обескураженным

To feel guilty - чувствовать себя виноватым

To feel lonely - чувствовать себя

To feel relieved - почувствовать облегчение


  1. Read the following difficult situations. Discuss the problems in pairs/ groups. Do you have any ideas of how to help the young people?

  • My sister has just had a baby. She still lives at home with us and it’s really annoying. It’s so crowded and noisy. The baby seems to cry all through the night and everyone seems to be always tired. I wish my sister could move out, but she can’t cope on her own.

  • My problem s that I can’t get to sleep at night without having the TV on loudly. I’ve tried to get to sleep without it, but I can’t. My brother gets really annoyed because we have to share the bedroom and the TV keeps him up. What can I do?

  • My dad runs a football team. I’ve played in the team or a couple of years, but I don’t want to play any more. I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to and I have better things to do with my time. My dad will go mad when he finds out that I don’t want to play any more. What can I do?

  • My daughter is a student and she is very bad with money. Every month she spends all her money on clothes and going out, and then doesn’t have enough for books, etc. I tell her that she should be more careful, but our Granny secretly gives her the extra money. I don’t know what to do.

  • I’m nineteen. I have been going out with my girlfriend Lucy since I was sixteen. My parents do not seem to like Lucy. They have never actually said they dislike her, but they are silent when I talk about her. Now I have stopped bringing her to our house, and don’t talk about her with my parents.

  • A few years ago I was a bit overweight. I’m quite slim now, but I’m worry about putting on weight again. I always miss breakfast and lunch. In the evening after a very small meal I eat chocolate and crisps. My mother tries to force me to eat three meals a day. I think she doesn’t want to understand my problem.