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IV.Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own.

Scones, shin, area steps, blade of grass, tiara, Eskimo, bonnet, alas, dizzy, reindeer, spear, club, sword, weapons, aeroplane, glint.

V. Write out all the words denoting outfits and clothing and use them in the sentences of your own.

VI. Write out all the words denoting people’s appearance and use them in the sentences of your own.

VII. Write out all the words denoting manner of speaking and use them in the sentences of your own.

VIII. Write out all the words denoting feelings and emotions and the way people express them and use them in the sentences of your own.

IX. Write out all the words denoting manner of walking and use them in the sentences of your own.

X. Write out all the words and expressions denoting words of greeting and use them in the sentences of your own.

XI. Write out all the words describing dwellings and use them in the sentences of your own.

XII. Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases.

  1. Michael knew now what was happening to him.

  2. He knew he was going to be naughty.

  3. In the kitchen Mrs. Brill, the cook, was making scones.

  4. The door of his Father’s study stood open - for Ellen had just been dusting the books.

  5. It looked dreadful and fear of what would happen to him stirred within Michael.

  6. Jean tried to speak to him when Mary Poppins was not looking, but he would not answer, and put out his tongue at her.

  7. Every bed has a right and a wrong side.

  8. Somebody’s dropped their tiara, perhaps.

  9. We’ve just been skinning a couple of polar bears.

  10. You’ll wear out your shoes!

  11. Jane and Michael had never heard such strange and beautiful language…

  12. We’re just frying a reindeer for supper.

  13. If they weren’t careful he would run away and join a circus.

  14. He would get into bed without brushing his hair or his teeth – certainly without saying his prayers.

  15. Oh, if only he had been good – if only!

  16. Shall I do it?

  17. I’ve been so very naughty and I feel so very good.

XIII.State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences.

  1. … a thing he knew he should not do…

  2. … you can’t scrape the basin. It is not empty yet.

  3. You must beg her pardon at once.

  4. … and before they could catch him he ran away…

  5. This child must be ill.

  6. Michael, you shall have some syrup of figs.

  7. Jean tried to speak to him when Mary Poppins was not looking, but he would not answer, and put out his tongue at her.

  8. Against his will, but because he didn’t dare not to, Michael looked in the direction…

  9. You must be cold.

  10. …we… must refuse your expansive … invitation…

  11. I could beat that boy any day…

XIV. Reproduce the following sentences in reported speech.

Use the words from Appendix 2

  1. You are a clumsy.., that was for your father’s shaving.

  2. You meant – well, then, you’re a very bad heaven boy, and I’ll tell your Ma…

  3. You kicked Mrs.Brill?... I’m ashamed at you!...Say you are sorry, Michael!

  4. But I am not sorry! I’m glad. Her legs are too fat.

  5. And I’ll tell him you haven’t cleaned his shoes this morning…

  6. Michael, you shall have some syrup of figs.

  7. I’m not ill. I’m weller than you.

  8. Now, sir, off you go, in front of me please. I’m not going to have you stravaiging behind any longer.

  9. … there’s a shiny thing sparkling on the path just along there. I’ll thank you to go and pick it up and bring it to me.

  10. You go round the world in a ship or in an aeroplane. I know that. The box thing wouldn’t take you round the world.

  11. Isn’t it a funny thing, Mary Poppins… I’ve been so very naughty and I feel so very good.

  12. Such deliberate naughtiness I never saw. In all my born life I never did and that’s a fact. Off you go! Straight into bed with you and not another word.