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Разработка по Mary Poppins - home-reading aid.doc
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XIII Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Сначала этот дом показался мне ветхим и старым. Но я хорошенько подумал и решил, что я смогу покрасить его. Это был единственный дом, который я мог себе позволить.

  2. Когда полицейский увидел очередь возле магазина, он выпучил глаза от удивления. Толпа людей мешала проезду транспорта.

  3. Держать эту няню было пустой тратой денег. Когда она ушла от нас без предупреждения, мы все вздохнули с облегчением.

  4. Это была добрая старая леди. От нее пахло духами, леденцами от кашля и ячменным отваром. Она была очень рассеяна и старомодна, но дети слушались ее и с готовностью выполняли все ее указания.

  5. Мистер Бэнкс сердился, когда его обувь была плохо почищена. Он говорил, что в такой обуви он будет выглядеть потрепанным и кривобоким.

  6. Я хорошенько подумал и пришел к выводу, что это дело не заслуживает моего внимания.

  7. Я побывал в очень необычной школе: там дети бегали, играли и катались по перилам, но никто не ругал их.

  8. Этот избалованный ребенок не может даже постель себе застелить!

  9. Не надо делать нам одолжения!

  10. Очень поздно, марш в постель!

  11. Флюгер показывает на север, я промерз до костей, надо надеть шубу.

  12. Дети выжидающе смотрели на новичка.

  13. Ты не должен так рассеянно себя вести!

  14. Я наговорил много грубостей, но взял свои слова назад.

XIV. Give the literary translation of the extract: p. 9. “Hush!…Strawberry ice, he said ecstatically. “More, more, more!”.”

XV. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the words from Appendix 1.

  1. The Banks were very rich and prosperous people.

  2. The Banks had a very comfortable, clean and fashionable house.

  3. Kattie Nanna was a very good nanny.

  4. Mary Poppins had very good references.

  5. The kids liked their new nanny from the start.

  6. Mary Poppins wanted to be liked by the kids and was very kind and friendly to them.

  7. Everybody was glad to have the new nanny at home.

XVI. Answer the following questions.

  1. What kind of people were the Banks?

  2. Why did the Banks have to advertise?

  3. Why didn’t Mrs. Banks insist on references?

  4. How did Mary Poppins go up the staircase?

  5. What was the kids’ impression of their new nanny?

  6. Describe Mary Poppins’ things and clothes.

  7. What was the impression of the family of their new nanny?

XVII. Make up dialogues between:

  • Mr. and Mrs. Banks;

  • The kids;

  • The servants discussing the old and the new nannies;

  • Mrs. Banks and her friend discussing the situation in the house.

Use the phrases from Appendix 3.

XVIII. Give the retelling of the text as if you were:

  • Mr. Banks;

  • Mrs. Banks;

  • One of the kids;

  • One of the servants.

Chapter 2

The Day Out

I.Read, translate and transcribe the following words, give explanation of their meaning. Say in what situations these words and combinations are used.

To look one’s best


To nod haughtily to smb.

To tuck smth under one’s arm

To smooth down one’s frock/dress, etc


According to smth/smb

To tiptoe

A tuppence

To jingle


A stodgy meal

To squeeze

The slopes of a mountain

To be littered with smth

To hurt smb’s feelings

A fair treat

By rights

To look excited

In an admiring voice


A brass urn

To sit down with a plop


To do one’s best

To shake smb’s hand


To give a superior sniff

II.Replace the following words with their synonyms from the given list.

With scorn, to try hard, to sit down heavily, a pleasure, to offend smb., to give a superior nod, in a voice showing emotions, wow!

III.Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate and transcribe them.

To give, to take, to get, to know, to put, to tuck, to leave, to go, to set, to run, to keep, to feel, to begin, to draw, to see, to make, to find, to come, to mean, to lie, to lay, to pay, to think, to squeeze, to sit, to catch, to hold, to bend, to buy, to wear, to tell, to stoop, to sweep, to shine, to stand, to whirl, to leap, to ride, to shake, to bide, to meet.

IV. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives.

Good, many, much, beautiful, wet, fine, quick, important, sad, stodgy, nice, excited, soft, little, delighted, large, polite, wonderful, rude, superior.

V.Translate, transcribe and pronounce the following words, use them in the sentences of your own.

Haughtily, wind-screen, securely, apparently, to indulge, lamp-posts, railing, huskily, beneath, entirely, a straw hat, cloak, artificial, patterns, the brim of a hat, diamond buckles, thoroughly, to collapse, whelks, to flourish, farewell, pityingly.

VI.Explain the use of tenses in the following phrases.

  1. It meant that if she didn’t get what she wanted Mary Poppins would not stay.

  2. …though she wished Mary Poppins did not know so very much about the best people than she did herself.

  3. Where are you going?

  4. …she felt that her Day Out had begun.

  5. Everybody comes to see them, and when they have looked at them for a very long time, everybody says to everybody else…

  6. For the Match-Man had caught hold of her other hand now and was looking very excited.

  7. I am having a Day Out!

  8. Waiters never sit down, Madam.

  9. Where have you been?

  10. You will find the Merry-go-Round just over there.