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7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сказуемое:

  1. The digital computer has performed a broad range of functions.

  2. Computer makers have been working at the problem of introducing computers into our everyday life.

  3. These data have helped the engineers greаtly.

  4. Many countries have introduced computers into agriculture, education and transport.

  5. Bill Gates has accumulated great wealth from his holdings of Microsoft stock.

  6. Computer technology has been changing greatly lately.

  7. Computers have accepted information in the form of instructions.

8. Подберите к русским причастиям соответствующие английские эквиваленты:

  1. известный а) knew b) known c) know

  2. показанный a) show b) showed c) shown

  3. увиденный a) see b) seen c) saw

  4. помещенный a) place b) placing c) placed

  5. изолированный a) insulate b) insulated c) insulating

  6. данный a) give b) given c) gave

  7. взятый a) take b) took c) taken

  8. названный a) called b) calling c) call

  9. использованный a) using b) use c) used

9. Переведите английские причастия, используя в переводе русские причастия с окончанием -енный», -анный:

produced, developed, decreased, called, increased, insulated, switched on, described, defined, placed, amplified.

10. Переведите:

when accelerated, when separated, when crossed, when reduced, when created, when employed.

11. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на Причастие II:

  1. Russia today is one of the world`s most highly - developed countries.

  2. We translate the answers written in English on the blackboard.

  3. You can divide the houses built nowadays into two general classes.

  4. The very first device used for calculating was the ten fingers of a man`s hand.

  5. A computer works according to the instructions given to it.

  6. The first digital computer called Mark I was completed in 1944.

  7. Fourth-generation computers had arrived, and the integrated circuits became reduced in size.

  8. Programmers can also write software for specialized purposes.


Прочтите диалог и скажите, какие из следующих терминов мама Тома понимает, а какие нет:

A talk between Tom and his mother

a) surf the net d) send an e-mail

b) icon e) desktop

c) click f) mouse

-Hello, Tom. I need some help with my computer.

- Hi, Mum. What is it? Do you want to surf the net?

- No, I just want to send an e-mail.

- It`s no problem. Find the e-mail icon.

- Icon? What`s an icon?

- It`s a little picture. Like a symbol.

- Where is it?

- It`s on your desktop.

- Well … There is nothing on my desk.

- Mum! Your desktop is on your computer screen.

- Oh! I can see a lot of pictures here.

- OK. You need to click on the e-mail icon.

- Click.

- Press the button on your mouse!

- Mouse?

- The thing in your hand!

- Oh, yes. OK, I have done it!

- Now, click on the new message icon and type the e-mail address in the box which says “To”.

- OK.

- Then type your message in the box and phone me back.

- OK. Bye.

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