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Упражнения на чтение

  1. Познакомьтесь с правилами чтения буквы o и прочтите следующие слова:

[ɔ] lot, box, cross, clock, stock, drop, soft, respond;

[ɔ:] for, store, more, order, support, perform, portable;

[ou] phone, code, only, over, those, open, process, load, road;

[au] now, how, out, found, output, allow, around, vowel;

[auə] our, hour, tower, power, flower;

[ʌ] some, come, become, month, cover, company;

[u] look, book, boot, foot, cook;

[u:] choose, roof, loose, tool, soon, school, moon, mood, root, room;

[ɔı] point, avoid, pointer, noise;

[ə] common, compatible, promote, consider, productive, corruption, protect;

[ə:] work, word, worth, world, worse.

  1. Прочтите слова, обращая внимание на чтение буквосочетаний wr, wh:

wr [r] write, wrote, written, wrong, wreck, wrist;

wh [h] who, whom, whose, whole;

wh [w] when, what, why, where, white, which, while.

3. Прочтите интернациональные слова, встречающиеся в уроке, обращая внимание на их частичное фонетическое сходство с русскими словами:

order, phone, code, corruption, virus, agriculture, sphere, chief, management, original, personal, diagram, modern.

Грамматические упражнения

1. Переведите сочетания слов, обращая внимание на перевод существительных в функции определения:

а) local telephone company, high-speed lines, key question, paper clips, digital technology, interface description, chip design, file format, character set, paper size, memory device, syntax error, keyboard system;

b) insufficient disk space, invalid drive specification, invalid current directory, illegal device name, memory allocation error, non-system disk or disk error, root directory, destination disk, graphics printer file, input file, current keyboard code, incompatible system size, parallel printer, incorrect DOS version;

c) digital signal processor, general-purpose processor, character recognition device, file access mode, machine independent solution, error-control routine, user identification code, transmission code.

2. Образуйте Past Indefinite (Simple) от следующих стандартных глаголов и прочтите слова, обращая внимание на их правописание и чтение окончаний:

ask, help, develop, fix, produce, express;

show, turn, pull, answer, deliver;

use, solve, define, continue, change;

try, study, multiply, occupy;

want, convert, present, divide.

3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на то, в какой момент в прошлом происходит действие:

1. The Internet began in the USA in 1969 as a military experiment.

2. Yesterday evening the students were studying Informatics.

3. Your computer probably crashed less running Windows 98.

4. When you sent an e-mail message to somebody, this message travelled through many different networks and computers.

5. The commercial user sent the reply to his partner.

6. Many companies introduced new software in the markets.

7. A lot of countries were introducing computers into agriculture, education and other spheres at that time.

8. The managements of some American schools found an original application for computers.

9. I was looking for the files you need.

10. We produced our specific name-brand programs.


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