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Книжка по Англ.мове.doc
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  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is commonly believed today in Ukraine?

  2. What occur in every family?

  3. Who are the most important figures in the children’s world?

  4. What do children need?

  5. What are teens trying to get?

  6. What is one of the greatest difficulties while becoming independent?

  7. What is extremely hard to do?

  1. Find the appropriate variant of translation:

1. teens

a. дорослий;

2. adult

b. відкидати, відхиляти;

3. attitude

c. схвалення;

4. to reject

d. тривожний;

5. fad


6. anger

f. злість;

7. struggles

g. підлітки;

8. approval


9. pressure


10. relationship


11. anxious


12. behaviour


13. expectations

m. відношення;

14. disappointment

n. примха;

  1. Fill in the text with the proper words and translate it:

respect, grow older, mistakes, wiser, obey, help,

In the family mothers and fathers ……… their children in many ways, long before the children can understand about it or say:”Thank you”. As children …….. ……, they do many things for their fathers and mothers. Parents and children help one another. Though parents sometimes make …….. , the children should understand that their parents are ….. and they know what is best for their children. So sons and daughters must show …….. to their fathers and mothers and trust them, and ……. them.

  1. Read the questionnaire. Discuss in pairs the following points of it:

Model: I think….., I don’t think….., To my mind……, In my opinion…, Yes, definitely….., Well, that depends on …..

  1. Children should obey their parents without question.

  2. It is an advantage to be an only child.

  3. Girls and boys should be brought up in the same way – without definite roles.

  4. Most men would prefer to have a son as their first child.

  5. You should never hit a child.

  6. It is the child’s duty to look after his or her parents when they are old.

  7. Parents should never quarrel in front of their children.

  8. The best way of punishing a child is to stop his or her pocket money.

  9. Babies are boring.

  10. It is wrong for both parents to go out to work if they have small children.

  11. No family should be allowed to have more than four children nowadays.

  12. Children under 18 should never be out later than 11 o’clock in the evening.

  1. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Батьки несуть повну відповідальність за своїх дітей.

  2. Діти мають слухатись своїх батьків.

  3. На поведінку дітей часто впливають інші люди.

  4. Батьки часто тиснуть на дітей.

  5. Підлітки часто намагаються здобути незалежність.

  6. Батьки мають частіше давати схвалення поведінці їхніх дітей.

  7. Розчарування з’являється від непорозуміння.

  8. Покарання – не найкращий спосіб виховувати дітей.

  9. Батьків потрібно поважати.

  10. Дітям не можна дозволяти усього, чого вони бажають.