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Книжка по Англ.мове.doc
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  1. Make up the sentences of your own with the following words and expressions:

  1. Тo feel rejected, hurt, anxious

  2. Alienated;

  3. Behaviour;

  4. Attitude;

  5. Anger;

  6. Influence;

  7. To obey;

  8. To trust;

  9. To establish;

Заняття 1.8

Шляхи порозуміння батьків та дітей

  1. Read and learn the following words:

mean- вимогливий, уїдливий;

mall trips- прогулянки по торгівельним центрам;

effortless- не потребуючи зусиль, легко;

rough- важкий;

to distract- відвертати увагу;

to be appreciate- бути вдячним;

to care- турбуватися, дбати, любити;

to be attentive- бути уважним;

to be strict- бути суворим;

to be hard on somebody- бути суворим, прискіпливим до когось;

to scream out of hate/anger- кричати не тямлячи себе з ненависті/люті;

to end up spoiled rotten- закінчити «гнилухою»( зіпсованою людиною);

to impact- впливати;

spoiled brat- невихована, зіпсована дитина;

to take in stride- приймати як належне;

advice- порада;

to be around- бути поруч;

  1. Read and translate the following text:

Tips on How Hard Your Parents May Have It

We all go through the childhood trauma of not understanding why your parents are being so mean to you. You tell them that they're ruining your life and that you hate them, and that you will never forgive them for what they're doing to you. Are you willing to listen?

  1. It’s harder than it looks. When I was a little girl, I used to go on a lot of mall trips with my mother and my siblings. We’d shop, eat food and it all seemed effortless for my mother. What I didn’t know until later is that my mother was going through some of the roughest things of her life during those times. I won’t say what it was, but it was pretty rough and she took us shopping to keep the three of us distracted. So, if your mother decides to take you somewhere, take her aside once you are back home and ask her if she’s okay and if she needs anything at all or if she just needs to talk. If you do that, you’re just beginning to see how it is to be your mother. She’ll probably say that she doesn’t need anything and she’s fine, but she will appreciate you.

  2. Your father cares, too: I didn't have the best relationship with my father. However, he was there the next day when I was in the hospital at the age of 11. I had called the first night I was there and he was actually there within hours. On my birthday he came to my school and took me to the book fair. I’m 21 and I will never forget that. So, if you ever wonder why your father doesn’t seem to be attentive or he seems like he’s too strict when you get into trouble, ask him why he is that way. Ask him why he’s so hard on you in general. Chances are that he’ll tell you and you will see that he doesn’t scream at you out of hate or anger, he just cares.

  3. They have to say “NO” sometimes. Seriously, parents can’t say “YES” all the time because you’ll end up spoiled rotten. If your parents tell you that you can’t drive the car or spend the night at your friend’s house or go to a party, don’t let it impact your entire life. This is just one “NO” in the millions of times that you’ll hear “YES”.

  4. They scream because they love. Remember when you were two years old and you got tapped on the hand by one of your parents because you stole a cookie? That is exact the same thing. See, they think you’re too old to be tapped on the hand, but they have to discipline you some way, because you’ll end up as spoiled brat if they don’t. Anyway, if your parents scream at you, take it all in stride and they’ll forgive you. Don’t take advantage of this, because the day that they stop screaming will be the day that you should fear. Why do I say that? When they stop screaming and basically tell you that they don’t care if you lay down on railroad tracks, they mean it.

  5. Listen to their advice, you may need it someday. When your parents give you any type of advice, try to remember it. Sure, you may roll your eyes and think that it’s old people logic, but that advice will help you later. Write the advice down in your diary or journal later instead of writing down what latest complaints you have against the parents. See, your parents won’t be around forever, so you won’t be able to come back to them 10 or 20 years down the line and get the advice to give to your own children. So, listen while you can and you can tell you your kids the same advice, you’ll probably get the same reaction that you gave your parents.

So, there are tips to understanding your parents a little better before you become a parent yourself. Your parents were that size when you were a baby, so they should know a little better. It was the same thing when your parents were babies. Their parents were the same size when your parents were babies. It’s like the chicken and the egg theory. Anyway, understanding your parents is the best thing that you could ever do, so read this and maybe you can give this to your children one day.