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Книжка по Англ.мове.doc
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8. Translate into Ukrainian

1) Friends are very important in our life.

2) I think one cannot live without friends

3) They say that the friend in need is a friend indeed.

4) We discuss all our troubles and try to find the best decision in any situation.

5) The most important thing for being good friends, to my mind, is to be ready to help one another in any situation, nevertheless how difficult it is.

6) Our friendship is very dear to me and I try to do my best to be a good friend too.

7) In general Masha is loyal, trustworthy, tactful and great at keeping secrets.

8) To sum up, “A good friend is like the sun in winter”.

9. Make up your own dialogue in pairs “What does it mean for you to be a good friend?” you may use the following words and word-combinations.

  • Sunny soul by nature

  • Cheerful

  • To quarrel

  • Witty

  • Hard-working

  • Honest

  • To be ready to help

  • Friendly character

  • Tactful

  • Great at keeping secrets

Заняття 1.10

Проблеми порозуміння молоді

  1. Read and learn the following words:

to exist- існувати;

gender- рід;

to be upset- бути засмученим;

peer pressure- суспільно-соціальний тиск, тут. тиск з боку однолітків;

challenge- проблема, складна задача,

to stand up to somebody- ставати на/проти когось;

differences- розбіжності;

frankly- щиросердно;

straight- прямо;

dating- побачення, зустрічання;

to get to know- познайомитись ближче;

to share- поділяти;

physical affection- фізичний потяг, любов;

hugging - обіймання;

holding hands – тримання за руки;

apart- окремо, роздільно;

to avoid- уникати;

tips- поради;

  1. Read and translate the following text:

There are two kinds of teenager relationships:

  • teen friendships and

  • teen love relationships (1)

Teen Friendships

This kind of teenager relationship can exist between a teenager and other persons of same or different gender and age. A good friend - no matter age or gender - is one of the best things you can have on this earth. A really good friend that is special to you and means much to you. A person that is always there for you.(2)

Real Life: Friends

"Why should I do what YOU say?"

Abby and Maria have been friends for a long time. Abby has been upset because Maria always decides where they are going and what they are going to do. Maria also tells Abby who she can be friends with. Abby feels a lot of pressure to do what Maria tells her to do.


Friendships can be complicated at this time in your life. You may be making new friends while you are trying to keep old friends. One thing that can make any relationship complicated is peer pressure. Peer pressure is when you chose to do something you usually wouldn't do, or you stop doing something that you normally would do because you are worried about what your friends will think. Some friends may pressure you to do something because "everyone else does it," such as making fun of someone. One of the biggest challenges that you may have to face is standing up to a friend. (3)

Here are tips to help you handle a disagreement with a friend:

  • You always have the right to say "no" to your friend whenever you want to. In a healthy friendship, you should not be afraid of losing a friend because you say "no." Good friends should respect your right to say no about anything and not give you a hard time. It is important that you show your friend the same respect when they say no to you. (4)

  • If you and your friend disagree about something or have an argument, it does not mean that you have an unhealthy relationship. You will not always agree with what your friend has to say. As long as you and your friend can talk to one another and listen to what each person has to say, you should be able to work through a disagreement. Healthy friendships involve trust and being able to respect each other's differences. (5)

  • The friends that you make and the relationships you develop will help you learn a lot about yourself. Your friendships may be the most important thing to you right now. You will find out what things you like to do together but more importantly, you will learn about the kind of friends you want to have and the kind of friend you want to be to others. (6)

Teen love relationships

While you can talk quite frankly and straight forward in a friendship most of us are more aware of not hurting the partner in a love relationship. (7)