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  1. Translate the text in writing. British Museums

There are many museums in London. One of them is the Tate Gallery in Millmank, which presents modern masters of England and France. There are some fine examples of modern sculpture. Its collection of French Impressionists is marvelous. There is the Victoria and Albert Museum in Brompton Road. It has an outstanding collection of the applied arts of all countries and periods.

The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square has one of the best picture collection in the world. It has the most valuable display of French paintings from the early of the Impressionists, and, of course, the finest English painting, with Gainsborough, Turner, Constable and others. It shows the progress of Italian painting from the medieval to the Renaissance, some outstanding pictures of the old Roman masters. It also has a great variety of Dutch and Flemish masters and an excellent choice of Spanish painters. There are great treasures dispersed in private collections all over the world. The Queen's collection is the most valuable among them.

6.What do you think of painting? Have you got the

favourite paintings? What are they? Look at the painting and complete the text.

In this painting I 1) ……. see a young man sitting

2)….. a rock by the sea. He is wearing blue-green

trousers and a shirt, and he has a green 3) ……. on

his head. He is staring out to sea. I think he is 4) ….

because there is nobody with him. In the

background I can see the beach, some houses, a

few trees, and mountains. It’s hard to see clearly, but it looks as if 5) ……. are some people walking 6) …. the shore. The artist has used bright, sunny colours, but the painting makes me 7) ……. a little sad.

7. Describe the painting by Norman Rockwell “Girl at the Mirror”.


8. Read and translate the following message. What do you think this woman is? What does she mean?



Monica Vanzant

hat a weekend. I have started two new paintings and I am very excited. One is actually from the blog titled "Lily". The other is an idea that I have had in my head for a few months. It is about a nightmare I had months ago but I’m not sure I want to paint it at all. It is too scary….. A good friend of mine once said, "Life is not difficult. People make life difficult". The older I get the more I understand what my friend meant by this. But there is a way to counter the negative influences you may come across. Surround yourself with positive people, fill your mind with positive thoughts, and open your heart to positive experiences. This is how we get through each day with dignity and grace. Take Care and Keep on creating!


    1. Моя біографія………………………………………………………..4.

    2. Моя родина…………………………………………………………..7

    3. Шлюб і родина……………………………………………………...10

    4. Зовнішність людини………………………………………………..12

    5. Характеристика особистості…………………………………….....16

    6. Мої права та обов’язки……………………………………………..21

    7. Батьки та діти……………………………………………………….24

    8. Шляхи порозуміння батьків та дітей……………………………...28

    9. Мій найкращий друг………………………………………………..32

    10. Проблеми порозуміння молоді……………………………….........35

    11. Розмаїття захоплень сучасної людини……………………….........39

    12. Моє дозвілля………………………………………………………...41

    13. Мистецтво як засіб формування особистості………………..........45

    14. Вплив музики на формування естетичних вподобань……………47

    15. Різноманіття музичних напрямів…………………………………..51

    16. Живопис як вид мистецтва…………………………………………55

    17. Шедеври живопису…………………………………………………59

    18. Найвідоміші галереї світу………………………………………….62

    19. Спорт як засіб формування характеру…………………………….65

    20. Спорт та дозвілля. Види спорту……………………………….......70

    21. Ставлення до занять спортом. Обладнання………………………74

    22. Подорож як засіб розширення світогляду………………………...77

    23. Корисна інформація для подорожуючого………………………...80

    24. Подорож літаком…………………………………………………...84

    25. Подорож потягом………………………………………………......88

    26. На митниці……………………………………………………….....92

    27. Місця, які варто відвідати………………………………………....96