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IV. B. Complete with like if necessary

1. What does she look ... ? - She looks ... very kind. 2. Who’s she ...? - She’s … her mother. 3. What’s he ... ? - He’s ... lovely. 4. Who does he look ...? - He looks ... his brother. 5. What’s he …? - He’s … shy. 6. Who’s he like?- He’s like his mother.

IV. C. Read your sign. Is it true?

Aries (21/3-20/4) energetic, often bad-tempered, bossy, warm, generous, sensitive, artistic.

Taurus(21/4-21/5) hardworking, calm, friendly, interested in business, money, friends and family.

Gemini (22/5-21/6) clever, witty, very talkative, changeable, interested in books, people and ideas.

Cancer (22/6-23/7) humorous, shy, anxious, conservative, often happy, interested in history.

Leo (24/7-23/8) proud, bossy, either very tidy or untidy, independent, passionate and generous

Virgo (24/8-23/9) practical, critical, punctual, hard-working, interested in nature

Libra (24/9-23/10) friendly, energetic (but also lazy), pleasant, argumentative, interested in sport, animals.

Scorpio (24/10-22/11) brave, sometimes violent, possessive, passionate. Often very religious.

Sagittarius (23/11-21/12) cheerful, interested in sport, interested in travelling, self-confident, living dangerously.

Capricon (22/12-20/1) conservative, polite, serious, sociable but shy, interested in home.

Aquarius (21/1-19/2) tolerant, sociable but unstable, interested in sport and politics. Often brilliant or mad.

Pisces (20/2-20/3) sensitive, emotional, imaginative, artistic, depressive. Very interested in themselves.

V. A. Translate the following international words: Barcelona [,bα:si′lounə], Aston [′æstən], coordinator [kou,ɔ:di′neitə], Kenya [′kenjə], Norway [′nɔ:wei]

V. B. Study new words

a bit [bit] немного

team [ti:m] команда

covering letter [′k∧vəriŋ] conpoвoдumельное nucьмо

position [pə′ziən] положение, место, должность

lotion [′louən] лосьон

string [striŋ] струна

suntan [′s∧ntæn] загар

worth [wə:] стоящий

basic [′beisik] основной

violin [,vaiə′lin] скрипка

asas такой же … как

objective [əb′dʒektiv] цель

the ... the ... чем ... тем ...

curriculum vitae [kə′rikjuləm′vaitə] резюме

employee [,emplɔi′i:] служащий, работник

injury [′indʒəri] повреждение, рана, увечье

ability [əbiliti] способность

driving [′draiviŋ] вождение

not so ... as не такой ... как

resume [′rezju(:)mei] резюме

additional [ədiənl] дополнительный

capability [,keipə′biliti] способность

interest [′intrist] интерес, интересовать

market [′mα:kit] рынок, торговый центр

get sunburnt [′s∧nbə:nt] загореть

internship [in′tə:nip] интернатура

licence ['laisəns] патент, лицензия

complexion [kəm′plekən] цвет лица

driving licence водительские права

master [′mα:stə] магистр, овладеть

capabilities [,keipə′bilitiz] потенциальные возможности

certificate [sə′tifikit] аттестат, свидетельство об окончании, сертификат

general manager главный (генеральный управляющий); директор предприятия

Ltd. = limited ограниченный; с ограниченной ответственностью

make up one’s mind решиться(ся); to smth. смириться с ч-л.

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