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Большакова, БыкановаОбщение на работе и после.doc
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20. Ознакомьтесь со спряжением глагола to have во времени Present Simple.

I have we have

you have you have

he has they have

she has

it has

*Обратите внимание на то, что русским фразам «У меня есть» «У него есть» и т.п.

соответствуют английские “I have (I’ve got)”, “He has (He’s got). Фразыhavegot/hasgot, как правило, используются для рассказа о членах семьи, в описании внешности.

I have a cousin in Geneva. We have cousins in Geneva

You have a cousin in Geneva You have cousins in Geneva

He has a cousin in Geneva They have cousins in Geneva

She has a cousin in Geneva

I don’t have a cousin in Geneva. We don’t have cousins in Geneva

You don’t have a cousin in Geneva You don’t have cousins in Geneva

He doesn’t have a cousin in Geneva They don’t have cousins in Geneva

She doesn’t have a cousin in Geneva

Do I have a cousin in Geneva? Do we have cousins in Geneva?

Do you have a cousin in Geneva? Do you have cousins in Geneva?

Does he have a cousin in Geneva? Do they have cousins in Geneva?

  1. Прочитайте и прослушайте диалог.

Lucy Bob, who’s that?

Bob Over there? Oh, that’s my uncle Ted from Boston.

Lucy I didn’t realise you’ve got an uncle.

Bob Actually, I’ve got two uncles and an aunt on the Western Coast.

Lucy How old is he?

Bob Who? Ted? He is two years my senior.

Lucy Is he married?

Bob Yes. That tall girl with lovely long blond hair is his wife Angela.

Lucy Have they got any children ?

Bob Well, not yet, anyway.

  1. Переведите диалог на английский язык.

А Кто это высокая девушка с короткими темными волосами?

В Это моя дочь Анна.

А Твоя дочь? Да, она похожа на тебя. Сколько ей лет?

В Двадцать с небольшим..

А Чем она занимается?

В Она работает секретарем в большой страховой компании

А Она замужем?

В Нет, она не замужем пока.

23. Заполните пропуски словами из раздела «Полезные слова и выражения».

1. Your mother and father are your--------------.

2. Your sister’s daughter is your--------------.

3. Your parents’ son is your--------------.

4. Your brother’s son is your--------------.

5. Your mother’s mother and father are your ---------------.

6. Your uncle’s wife is your --------------.

7. Your mother’s brother is your --------------.

8. Your uncle’s daughter is your --------------.

24. Заполните пропуски глаголом to have в нужной форме.

  1. I ... three children, two sons and a baby daughter. 2. We... (not) a partner in Slovakia yet.

3. Where... they... their headquarters? 4. They now... their headquarters in Brussels.

5. He... (not) a wife. 6. I... a wonderful idea. 7. My father lives in Marbella. He...abungalowthere.