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Большакова, БыкановаОбщение на работе и после.doc
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Теперь Вы умеете

  1. описать жилище

  2. расспросить об условиях найма жилья

  3. высказать комплимент и восхищение в различных ситуациях

  4. поздравить и выразить пожелания в устной форме

  5. написать поздравление и пожелания


Урок 1

Ex. 7 Listen to the dialogues and fill in the missing words.


A Hello. My name’s Nick Warwick.

B Sorry, what’s your surname again?

A It is Warrick.

B How do you spell that, please?

A It’s W-A-R-W-I-C-K.

B. Oh, here is your programme.

A Thank you.


A Good morning. I’m Lydia Spasskaya.

B. Sorry. How do you spell your surname?

A S-P-A-double-S-K-A-Y-A.

B Thank you. And how do you spell your first name?

A It’s L-Y-D-I-A.

B Oh, yes. Here’s your badge.

A Thank you.


Finland Finnish

Burma Burmese

Belgium Belgian

Portugal Portuguese

Macedonia Macedonian

Scotland Scottish

Ireland Irish

Byelorussia Byelorussian

Turkey Turkish

Ex. 37. Listen and repeat

Peter, meet, this, president, in, dinner, leave, middle, keep, creature, dream

Autumn, clock, watch, morning, sorry, daughter, doctor, for, office, shop, course, headquarters

A sailor went to sea

To see what he could see,

And all he could see,

Was sea, sea, sea.

Урок 2

9.1. Listen to the text and finish the sentences in the course book.

Ranex Ltd. is looking for a candidate for the position of the Financial Analyst in our branch in Barcelona. We need a full-time, energetic individual. A qualified candidate would have a degree in Mathematics and Finance and work in a team. The probation period for the applicant is two months. The whole package includes medical and dental insurance. We offer bonuses for the employees every three months. Please send a resume to: Employment Administrator, Ranex Ltd., 85 Bond Street, Rochester RI 1405.

9.2. Listen to the text and mark if the sentences are True or False.

That was my first interview. I arrived fifteen minutes before the interview with a resume and two references. I wanted to make a good impression and get this job. I knew that a programmer must have a good logical mind, a good memory and an attention to detail, but I also understood that a logical mind was not enough to get me this job. So I took all my certificates with me. I had no experience and it was my weak point, but I showed the interviewers an impressive piece of software with my name on it. Besides I was good at modern programming languages and there was a demand for good C++, Delphi and Java developers. Two weeks later I got a letter from the company. They hired me.

Ex. 15. Listen to the dialogues and finish the sentences in the course book.

Interviewer Why did you choose the engineering programme at Saint – Petersburg State

Technical University?

Simonov I thought that engineering was a very promising career.

Interviewer What subjects did you like best?

Simonov Mathematics. I was good at it.

Interviewer What subjects did you like least?

Simonov Technical drawing. It was not my strong point.

Interviewer Why did you take your first job when a student?

Simonov I wanted to get experience.

Interviewer What were your responsibilities?

Simonov I developed systems of power supply for individual customers.

Interviewer Did you work under pressure?

Simonov Yes, we had tough deadlines..

Interviewer Thank you, Mr Simonov. We’ll call you in a week.

Simonov Thank you for the interview. Good bye.

Ex. 25.1 Listen and repeat

Hard, tough, staff, subject, department, production, unemployed, under, demand, part time, customer, much, father, uncle, after, bath, Sunday

Ex. 25.2 Listen and repeat

Applicant, flexible, plan, get, salary, health, pension, bad, relax, develop, manager, forget, thanks, everything, resume, analyst, reference

Ex. 25.3 Listen and repeat

Broker, doctor, driver, engineer, manager, lawyer, programmer, developer, free lancer, supervisor, PR officer, designer, customer, promotion, career, production, advertisement

Урок 3

Ex. 16. Listen to the text and mark if the sentences are True or False.

Helen Hi, Mary. I know you moved on to SBM. What kind of business is it?

Mary Well, we produce a wide range of household goods of high quality.

Helen Is it a big company?

Mary SBM employs over 3000 people all over the country. There are around 200 employees

in this factory. There are three shifts and the production process never stops.

Helen Oh, that’s impressive. Is business going well?

Mary Yes. Now we have eight branches and are planning to open new ones.

Helen What are your responsibilities?

Mary I work in the Advertising dep. I’m responsible for promotion of our goods. I regularly

give on site presentations for our customers.

Helen Do you work in a team?

Mary Yes. In fact there are only four of us and we all come from an economical background.

We work in close cooperation with the Marketing dep. They do market research

before they can say that this product has sales potential.

Helen I wish you good luck in your business.

Mary Thank you, Helen.

Ex. 29. Listen and repeat

Human, two, supermarket, you, could, recruit, popular, interview, full-time, good, contribution, supervisor, who.

Урок 4

Ex 8. Listen to the text and finish the sentences.

Todd and Thompson is a highly profitable company with a workforce of 100.

The company was founded by Mr. Lee Todd and Joseph Thompson in Birmingham. The founders of the company were still at University when they decided to go into business. The idea was to earn some extra money. Their business turned out to be a success and now Todd and Thompson is well established in the market. We have been in this business for 5 years. Our main products are frozen fruit and vegetables from South East Asia and Africa. Although the competition on this market is strong, we have been growing fast and have increased the turnover by 40% since 2004. This is mainly due to the fact that Todd and Thompson made a point of giving their customers the very best. Initially the target customers were families with average income from big cities. Lately we have changed our market strategy and turned to corporate customers. Todd and Thompson has ambitious plans of expansion. Later this year we will put a brand new product on the market. I’m sure, “4for4” will make company future even brighter.

Ex 21. Listen to the numbers and put them into your notebook.

For and a half million, eighteen square inches, forty eighth, ninety two thousand six hundred and forty two, twelfth, twelve, fifty three per cent, twenty minutes to seven in the morning, plus sixteen degrees Centigrade, seventy two, three point two one seven.

That, three, office, is, sure, production, pass, through, third, third, see, they, everything, present, with, division, surname, advertise, television, please, pension, then, second, usually, think, shop, brother, result, distribution .

Ex. 26. Listen and repeat

That, three, is, office, sure, division, they, with, pass, present, television, production, usually, does, see, contribution, third, everything, surname, pension, then, advertise, please, second, shop, thank, brother, think, result, distribution

Урок 5

Ex 12. Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks.

A Good afternoon everybody.

Thank you for coming to today’s meeting.

Who’s taking the minutes? ...Miss Bryant ? Fine.

There are two points to discuss today – outsourcing some non-core functions and the future

of our store in Birmingham.

E Sorry to interrupt, but aren’t we going to talk about reorganization of in-company


A I think we could discuss that under AOB, Philip. Now let’s start with the first item on the

agenda. I know there are different opinions about it, so the main purpose of today’s meeting

is to explore your views. Yoko, could you give us your report?

B As we all know, the key issue today is cost savings. We have done research into the

company cost structure and identified some non-core functions that eat into the budget. I’m

talking about document management and printing. If we outsource these functions, we will

dramatically reduce capital and operational expenditure.

C How much, Yoko?

B We will have reduced capital expenditures by 10% and operational expenditures by 12% by

the end of the year.

C That sounds interesting but can you just clarify how you worked out the figures.

B Certainly. I’ll do a quick break down for you on the flipchart. Look. Here are the figures for 2009 and here are the projections for 2010.

Ex 6.2

A OK Yoko, thanks. Em, Wanda, what do you think ?

D I agree with Yoko about financial benefits of outsourcing, but...

C You’ve got a point here but what about security?

A Todd, let Wanda finish, please.

D Actually, that is what I was going to say.

B I’m pretty sure that we needn’t worry about security too much. We are talking about non-

strategic departments not leading directly to senior management. The other point I want to

make is human error factor. This year our office staff have filed 5% of files incorrectly. That

means that company executives will have spent extra 150 hours searching for documents by

the end of the year.

D And if we outsource scanning and archival service...

B we will make time management much more efficient.

A OK then. We have looked at all your views. Could we take a vote now? All those in favour

raise your hands... Those against?... one. Any abstentions? None. The motion is carried by

four votes to one. Let’s move on to the next item on the agenda.

C Mmm. Can we have a short break now?

Ex 25. Listen and repeat

Tomorrow, finish, thing, consultant, moment, lunch, participant, thank, minutes, financial, benefit, leading, searching, employees, losing, message, putting, item

Урок 6

Ex. 7. Listen to the announcement and finish the sentences in the course book.

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. Captain Monigetti welcomes you aboard Alitalia Flight 784 to Ottawa. We are now flying at altitude of 10,500 m. The temperature outside is minus 45° C. The speed is approximately 9,900 km an hour. The scheduled time of arrival is 0640. We’ll make a stop over at Dublin airport in two hours. Our flight attendants will serve lunch and beverages in forty minutes.

Ex. 32 Listen and repeat

Job, point, back, but, postpone, board, purpose, hope, break, proposal

Driver, meet, head, travel, road, minutes, afraid, carried, shift, train

Like, again, work, fax, great, screen, glad, closed, October, August