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Большакова, БыкановаОбщение на работе и после.doc
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Лекарства и их применение

antacid– антацид, лекарство против изжоги

antibiotic– антибиотик

antihistamine– противоаллергическое средство (антигистаминный препарат)

before/ after meals – до/ после еды

cold tablets – таблетки от простуды

chemist’s/ drugstore – аптека

eyedrops– глазные капли

followthedosage– следовать дозировке

medicalherbs– лекарственные травы

medication– лекарственное средство

nasal spray – спрей для носа

ointment – мазь

on an empty stomach – натощак

plaster – пластырь

side effects – побочные эффекты

sleepingpills– снотворное

У дантиста

drill- сверлить

have one’s tooth filled/ treated – пломбировать/ лечит зуб

pull out – удалять

I’ve lost a filling. – У меня выпала пломба.

I have a toothache. – У меня болит зуб

  1. Прочитайте и прослушайте диалоги.


Patient Good morning , doctor.

Doctor Morning. What’s wrong with you?

P I’m awfully sick. I have an awful pain in my stomach.

D You should have called in the doctor.

P I don’t think it’s the case for calling in the doctor.

D Where does it hurt?

P Here, doctor.

D Strip to the waist and lie down on the coach. I’ll examine you.


D Hello, Mr. Strook. What’s the matter?

P I have a terrible pain in my knee. I fell from the bike. I’m afraid it’s out of joint.

D Please, lie down on the coach…. There is a bruise. Move your leg. No, it’s not out of joint. It

may be a little bit strained.

P But I have a sharp pain.

D Don’t worry. I’ll write out a prescription. You buy this ointment and apply it three times a

day. And here is the direction to have your knee X-rayed.

P Thank you, doctor.

D I’m waiting for you in three days.


Mary Silvia, what’s up with you?

Silvia I haven’t been too well recently. The weather is chilly, and I’m afraid I caught a cold or

even flu.

Mary Why do you think so?

Silvia I have a sore throat, a cough and in the evening I feel the temperature run.

Mary What is your temperature?

Silvia It’s 38.7

Mary Oh, it’s high. You must stay in bed rather than going to work.

Silvia I’m going to the doctor right now.

  1. Заполните пропуски фразами из рамки.

- Just after the meal.

- What’s the matter?

- I think he’s been overworking.

- Why not consult a doctor?

- Where exactly is the pain?

- He had had a heart attack before.

- Have you caught a cold?

- Do you eat very big meals?

- I’m allergic to odors and dust.


D ---------------?

P It hurts in my right side.

D ---------------?

P Here. I could hardly work.

D When do you get it?

P ---------------.

D I think you’ve got the problems with your liver. ---------------?

P Oh, yes. I’m a big eater.

D That’s the reason why you have these pains. Lighter meals and probably they’ll put you



A I haven’t seen Tony lately. How is he?

B He’s been off work a day or two.

A What’s wrong with him?

B ---------------.

A Oh, dear. He is so young.

B ---------------.

A I hope he gets over it soon.

B Thank you. He’ll be pleased to hear you asked after him.


A You don’t look your unusual self. ---------------? Your eyes are reddish and you

are sneezing.

B I have the symptoms of a cold, but actually it’s an allergy.

A I didn’t know you were allergic to something.

B --------------.

A How long have you had this?

B This is the first time.

A ---------------?

B I’ve already been to the doctor.

A OK. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.

  1. Заполните пропуски словами и фразами из раздела «Полезные слова и выражения»


A Good morning. I need to see a dentist as soon as possible. I have a ---------------.

B Luckily, she has a cancellation. You may come in.


A Oh, doctor, this tooth is killing me.

B How long ---------------?

A I could hardly sleep the night before.

B Well, let’s have a look…. You lost ---------------. If I were you, I’d come to the doctor

immediately. But now it’s too late.

A So, I can’t have it treated?

B No. Unfortunately, I have to ---------------.


A Good morning, Mr. Sark. What --------------- you?

B I have a pain in my --------------- and a bad cough.

A Do you have any other symptoms?

B I’ve got a high temperature and I feel weak.

A Well, let me --------------- you. … It sounds as if it’s pneumonia.

B What do you ---------------?

A Let somebody take this prescription to the --------------- and get the medicines.

B What medicines are these?

A These are the antibiotics, antihistamines and vitamins. --------------- in bed for at least two

or three days. I’ll come to see you in a couple of days.

B You were very kind.


A I’m Mrs. Fernandez. I’m here on business.

B What do you ---------------of, Mrs. Fernandez?

A It’s my back. It’s killing me.

B Are you taking any ------------?

A Just painkillers.

B Well, I think I’ll write out you a --------------- for some ointment.

A Does it have any -------------- effects?

B No. So, keep taking painkillers, but follow the ---------------. It is one tablet after --------------.

Don’t forget to -------------- the ointment. Call me if you don’t feel better.

  1. Составьте собственные диалоги по образцу упражнения 2.

  1. Переведите диалоги на английский язык.


AДоброе утро, доктор.

BДоброе утро. Что Вас беспокоит?

AУ меня болит горло и чувствую слабость.

BВы кашляете?

AДа. Я почти не могла спать прошлой ночью.

BКак давно это у Вас?

AТри дня.

BПозвольте осмотреть Вас…. Я думаю, у Вас грипп.

AЧто Вы посоветуете?

BТаблетки от простуды, антигистаминные препараты и витамины.


AДоктор,помогите, пожалуйста. Мне нездоровится.

BВас тошнит?

AДа, ужасно.

BРвота есть?

AМеня рвет после каждого приема пищи.

BГолова кружится?

AНет, только тошнота.

BВы думаете это как-то связано с тем, что вы ели сегодня?

AДа, я уверена


AДоктор, мы вас ждем.

BЧто случилось?

AУ мистера Лесли был сердечный приступ.

BДобрый день, мистер Лесли. Есть боли в сердце?

С Нет, сейчас нет.

BКакие лекарства Вы приняли?

С Сердечные лекарства, которые обычно принимаю, когда чувствую себя плохо.

В Давайте померим давление….Давление немного повышенное.

С Что же мне делать?

В Я выпишу Вам больничный лист и направление на ЭКГ. Я советую Вам оставаться

в постели дня два. И вот рецепт на новое сердечное лекарство. Следуйте

дозировке, пожалуйста.

  1. Полезные слова и выражения.

circulatorydiseases– болезни кровообращения

digestiveproblems– проблемы с пищеварением

fats– жиры

fibrecontent– содержание клетчатки

herbs– травы

over-exertion– превышение нагрузки

saturatedfat– насыщенные жиры

stamina– жизненная сила

toothdecay– зубной кариес

well-being– хорошее самочувствие

wholemealbread– хлеб с цельным зерном

A guide to healthy living


The average diet carries considerable health risks. In the last century we have increased the amount of saturated fats, sugars and reduced the fibre content of our diet. These changes caused a massive rise in heart and circulatory diseases, tooth decay and a wide range of digestive problems. Here are the following guidelines for a healthier diet:

  • reducing fats

Grill or bake food when possible. Eat more low-fat cheeses, such as cottage cheese, Edam or Mozzarella.

  • reducing meat fat

Eat more chicken, turkey and liver. Avoid eating sausages. Eat more fish.

  • reducing sugars

Avoid daily snacks of cakes and sweets. Cut out sugar in tea and coffee. Avoid soft drinks with added sugar.

  • reducing salt

Cut down on salt – use herbs. Avoid salty snacks like crisps.

  • eating more fibre

Eat wholemeal bread every day. Use brown rice. Eat potatoes in their jackets. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.