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Учебно-метод. пособие для нефт. спец^ (1).doc
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22. Английский юмор:

In the company of students

- What`s your father, Bobby?

- My father`s a college professor.

- That`s a good profession. Does he like it?

- He has only one thing to complain about.

- What`s that?

- Oh, the students.

* * *

Father: You know that mother is very angry when you get bad marks at college.

Son: Well, it`s not me who is to blame for it`s the teacher who puts bad marks.

* * *

A son at college wrote his father: “No mon, no fun, your son”.

The father answered: “How sad, too bad, your dad”.

  1. He has only one thing to complain about. – У него всего лишь одна жалоба.

  2. it`s not me who is to blame – я в этом не виноват

  3. mon = money

23. Продолжите диалог, используя предложенные ниже выражения:

as is known, by the way, from my point of view, generally speaking, I`d like to say a few words about, it should be taken into consideration, to sum it up.

A: Hullo, Bobby. What`s the news?

B: Hullo, Ann. How are you? You know, I`ve read an interesting article in the magazine “Oil and gas”. It`s about the history of petroleum industry in the USA.

A: Is it really so? How very interesting: I`d like to know some more facts about it.

Could you tell me a few words about oil and its origin? I am going to enter Ufa

Petroleum University this year.

B: With pleasure …

24. Расскажите об истории добычи нефти, ее физических и химических свойствах, ее происхождении. Используйте активную лексику урока и следующие словосочетания:

ancient people knew, curing properties of oil, no search for oil, wells were sunk, seepages, one of the most important sources of energy, in sedimentary rocks, in geological traps, at the depth, a combustible oily liquid, smaller amounts of sulphur, a characteristic smell, the colour of oil varies, much lighter than, it doesn`t dissolve in …, the organic origin of petroleum.


Грамматика: 1. Видовременные формы глагола.

2. Модальные глаголы, их эквиваленты.

3. Количественные местоимения little, few, a little, a few.

Текст: Natural Gas.

1. Прочитайте вслух следующие слова:

- rush, under, production, industry, other;

- borehole, form, source, porous, important;

- obtain, remain, mainly;

- inflammable, sandstone, extraction, natural;

- reach, field, region;

- internal, occur, German, network;

- advantage, France, Carpathian, example;

- either, gigantic, pipeline, limestone;

- Austria, deposit, approximately, volume.

2. Прочитайте вслух следующие слова. Запомните их произношение.

Carpathian mountains [ ], Europe [ ]; Rumania [ ]; Austria [ ]; France [ ]; Italy [ ].

acetylene – ацетилен

butane – бутан

carbon – углерод

chlorine – хлор

ethane – этан

hexane – гексан

hydrogen – водород

methane – метан, болотный газ

octane – октан

propane – пропан

pentane – пентан

per cent – процент

3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

accumulate – накапливать

approximately – приблизительно, приближенно

boiling point – точка кипения

borehole – буровая скважина

consist of – состоять из

decomposition – разложение, распад

deposit ­– месторождение, залежь

distinct – особый, определенный

derivative – производное

extraction – извлечение, добыча

fuel – топливо, горючее

inflammable – легко воспламеняющийся, огнеопасный

limestone – известняк

liquid – жидкость

natural gas – природный газ

network – сеть

occur – залегать

obtain – получать

pressure – давление

porous bed – пористый слой

rush – зд. хлынуть

source – источник

sandstone – песчаник

volume – объем