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Учебно-метод. пособие для нефт. спец^ (1).doc
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11. Запомните.

This (этот) story is very interesting.

These (эти) stories are very interesting.

That (та) girl is nice.

Those (те) girls are nice.

12. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Запомните, что:

– число

number – количество a number of – ряд

– номер

1.We decided to discuss a number of questions at our meeting. 2. Every student knows that every chemical element has its number in Mendeleyev`s Periodic Table of Elements. 3. We showed this apparatus in laboratory number 3. 4. A great number of future specialists for oil, gas and petrochemical industries study at our University and its branches. 5. This great scientist included a number of facts about petroleum engineering education in our country in his book.

13. Запомните, что there выполняет роль формального подлежащего и стоит перед глаголом-сказуемым. Фактическим подлежащим в таких предложениях является существительное или группа существитель-ного, которая стоит после сказуемого.

Составьте предложения с оборотом there is, there are:

а) в настоящем времени:

Образец: There is a small table in the room.

There are flowers in the room.

(an economics department at our University, a good hostel here, several departments in the institute, laboratories there, a class-room in this building, a lot of books in our library, much light in this room)

б) в прошедшем времени:

Образец: There was a meeting here.

There were many students at the meeting yesterday.

(the Mining Academy in Moscow, many pictures on the walls, many computers in the class-rooms, a science faculty at the University, a large number of schools in our town)

в) в будущем времени:

Образец: There will be a new shop in our street.

(a big stadium in our city, a new institute here, lots of beautiful houses in this street, a special training at our faculty, various subjects at school)

г) с отрицанием no (not any)

Образец: There is no English class today.

There were no classes yesterday.

There will be no lecture tomorrow.

(students in the lecture room, conference on Monday, gas industry in Russia, foreign students in your group)

14. Запомните:

№ 1

1. I work much.

2. He answers all the


They do not work.

She does not attend lectures.

Do you work much?

Does she read books?

№ 2

1. I worked much.

2. He answered all

the questions.

He did not like physics.

She did not teach chemistry at school.

Did you work much yesterday?

Did many people come here every day?

№ 3

1. I shall work much.

2. He will answer all

the questions.

I shall not (shan`t) work much.

She will not (won`t)

answer all the questions.

Shall we work much tomorrow?

Will you answer this question?

15. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Oil engineers take part in the development of new oil fields. 2. Petroleum engineers came from other countries and got education abroad at various oil institutes. 3. Ufa Petroleum University trains qualified specialists for our national economy. 4. When we graduate from the University, we shall deal with the discovery of oil and gas fields. 5. Russia did not produce gaseous raw materials because there was no gas industry before the revolution. 6. This laboratory determined the reserves of raw materials in this region of our country.