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Учебно-метод. пособие для нефт. спец^ (1).doc
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13. Вставьте “so”, “as” или “than”:

1. Barbara is nearly … old … her stepmother. 2. There are more … two thousand books in my mother’s library. 3. I am not … naive … to believe all he promises me. 4. After your heart attack you should walk … slowly … possible. 5. The Volga is not now … wide … it was. 6. I have … many working hours a week … any other employee. 7. A shower uses less water … a bath. 8. On Sundays we don’t have to get up … early … usual. 9. This house is two times … big … the old one. 10. They use twice … much electricity … compressor machines. 11. In my opinion, it’s worth more … twice that figure. 12. He can lift a box thrice … heavy.

14. Употребите прилагательные в скобках в сравнительной степени:

1. Sorry I’m late. It took me (long) to get there than I expected. 2. She looks about 18, but in fact she is much (old) than she looks. 3. This problem is not so complicated. It’s (simple) than you think. 4. We always go camping when we go on holiday. It’s much (cheap) than staying in a hotel. 5. It’s (easy) to learn a foreign language in the country where it’s spoken. 6. Your English has improved. You speak (good) than you did when we last met. 7. Health and happiness are (important) than money. 8. I like countryside. It’s (healthy) and (peaceful) than living in a city. 9. My toothache is (painful) today than it was yesterday. 10. The second edition of the dictionary was (bad) than the first one. 11. A man’s real character will always be (visible) in his household than anywhere else. 12. This railway station is (crowded) today than usual.

15. Употребите прилагательные в превосходной степени по образцу:

Model: It’s a very nice house.

  1. It’s the nicest house in our town.

b) It’s one of the nicest houses in our town.

1. He is a very dangerous criminal. He is … in the country. 2. The Mississippi is a long river. It’s … in the world. 3. I have never heard such a funny story. That’s … I have heard. 4. We’ve never made such a bad mistake. It’s … . 5. They haven’t had to make such a difficult decision for years. It’s … . 6. It was very bad experience. It was … in my life. 7. He is a very good player. He … in the team. 8. She is a very rich woman. She is … in the world.

16. Употребите “more and more” или “less and less” перед прилагатель-ными:

1. Computers are becoming (expensive). 2. Going to church is becoming (popular). 3. Divorce is becoming (common). 4. (Many) people are giving up smoking. 5. The roads are becoming (crowded) with cars. 6. The book is getting (interesting). 7. My tooth’s getting (painful). 8. Children spend (little) time on reading books but they spend (much) time on watching TV. 9. It’s becoming (difficult) to find a job.

17. Постройте предложения с прилагательными в сравнительной степени с союзами “the” … “the” (чем … тем) по образцу:

Example: (long). We waited. We became impatient. The longer we waited, the more impatient we became.

1. (hard). It rained. He drove fast. 2. (slow). He walked. I became exasperated. 3. (soon). He comes. We can go home soon. 4. (early). The meeting ends. They can go home early. 5. (high) they climb. They can fall far. 6. (late). He worked. He became depressed. 7. (long). I listened to her story. I became sympathetic. 8. (fast). I wrote. My writing became illegible. 9. (hard). It snowed. The cars moved slowly. 10. (loud) I called. My voice got hoarse.